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I'm happy with Cloud and Bayonetta being in, but another Fire Emblem Character is a wasted opportunity.

Welp here's to the end of a wild ride, now to wait for the Sm4sh Wii U mod scene to happen so people can add Snake, Wolf, and the Ice Climbers back into the game.
I actually liked what i saw, they look interesting to play as

Dem Bayonetta tho
Bayonetta and Cloud are cool, Corrin is very weird, and I'm a Fire Emblem guy. Two FE DLC characters?

The lack of veterans is disappointing.
(12-15-2015, 05:40 PM)Uncle Drew Wrote: [ -> ]I'm happy with Cloud and Bayonetta being in, but another Fire Emblem Character is a wasted opportunity.

Welp here's to the end of a wild ride, now to wait for the Sm4sh Wii U mod scene to happen so people can add Snake, Wolf, and the Ice Climbers back into the game.

I'd honestly find it hilarious if folks found a way to get Ice Climbers to work on 3DS, like how folks have accomplished previously-thought impossible tasks in Brawl hacking.
Guys, I think we're all forgetting the most important thing here:

Kirby has butt guns.

No more Smash games, clearly we've hit the pinnacle.
The modders are tenacious that's for sure

I wouldn't pick Kamui for another newcomer, but the playstyle looks good. Also the new fire emblem is coming so i can understand their inclusion

Bayonetta is the character i enjoyed the most out of the three, but all in all they look fun to play as with their own quirks
So no Wolf...

That sucks.
Super Smash Bros? Mo' like, Fire Smash Emblem.

Fire Emblem and Nintendo All-Stars Battle

Seriously though, this is the first character announcement where my first reaction was "What were you thinking!?"
Thinking about it, Corrin actually looks pretty cool and is a big departure from the archetypal FE swordsmen (moreso than Robin, I'd think), even having a counter unlike Robin. I think it's just a tiny bit silly how new Fire Emblem representation trumped relatively starved franchises like Zelda, Metroid, or Donkey Kong for Smash 4.
I'm a little disappointed about the lack of more DLC veterans. Even though I didn't care much for Wolf, I would've liked to see his fans happy. But eh. Not that much of a big deal to me.

All in all, Bayonetta seems cool. I'm actually surprised that she was the most-requested choice on the ballot; I was expecting the "winner" to be the Inklings or Chrom or Shovel Knight or something.
I'm all for more unique play styles. My reaction was purely to the character being from Fire Emblem.
Guys, can we revive the TSR Smash Bros. project? that actually had a roster I was completely satisfied with : ).
Honestly I'd be more disappointed if they wasted time reviving veterans than bringing in someone new and unique.
(12-15-2015, 06:06 PM)~DrakoRero~ Wrote: [ -> ]Guys, can we revive the TSR Smash Bros. project? that actually had a roster I was completely satisfied with : ).

honestly though i loved it and i have been planning to revive this but no one will actually make the required sprites

(this is why i revived it as an idea thread)
another fe character... uhhh ok. i dont get the reason for this but uhh cool i guess

yay, clouds all cool and shit yeyyyyyyyy

even though i wasn't rooting for bayonetta, at least she won instead of like, shrek or something. she actually looks fun to play, so maybe ill give her a shot (pun unintended).