Gaming Discussion
Important Threads
- Steam Discussion/Account Sharing Thread (102 Replies)
- GAMER LOUNGE 20XX (NO CASUALS!!) (2,315 Replies)
- Game Deals Thread (21 Replies)
- xX~GamerNameThread~Xx (36 Replies)
- Games you've recently played (35 Replies)
- Accomplishments you had in video games (53 Replies)
- OG Phantasy Star is getting a TTRPG adaptation! (1 Reply)
- Battletoads arcade question (1 Reply)
- Nintendo Switch Pictures & Video Captures (6 Replies)
- This video game genre needs to be revived! (In my opinion) (0 Replies)
- What do y'all think of today's Nintendo Direct? (0 Replies)
- WTF/Surprising Gaming Moments (17 Replies)
- About highschool dxd 3ds game (1 Reply)
- Why the hell is Escape from Tarkov DLC a $249.99 P2W game now??? (0 Replies)
- Your "4 Iconic video game characters" Thread (0 Replies)
- If you can live in any area in a video game, what will it be? (3 Replies)
- Canceled Atari games.. (1 Reply)
- Will Contra: Operation Galuga be another redemption arc? (Discussion) (0 Replies)
- The PSP is one of the coolest things ever created (0 Replies)
- What's your favorite Shoot 'em up games? (3 Replies)
- What's your favorite Monsters from 90s FPS games? (0 Replies)
- Best & Worst Video Game Ports (7 Replies)
- PS1 Startup Creepypasta (2 Replies)
- Name an obscure game you like (23 Replies)