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When ARENT they a complete disaster?
good point C;
Hence, the reason I rarely visit it.
i played TF2 for the first time in weeks C:
TF2 is always fun mang.
(04-17-2010, 02:02 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]i played TF2 for the first time in weeks C:

I just played TF2 for the first time in months. Then my connection went all shitty
though i always play on the same server over and over

(if only they didn't fuck it by setting all crits and low gravity)
(04-18-2010, 01:02 AM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]all crits and low gravity
TF2 more like MW2
no, TF2. i dont think i made any typos on that.

and killing people with flares has never been so fun.
flaregun is probably the most balanced weapon compared to its original secondary
I seem to have more fun playing unconventionally, stuff like dodgeball and prop hunt.

Valve somewhat fixes idling. Idling now technically doesn't give you an advantage over people who actually play the game.

Also +'d the drop rate.
i used to idle once or twice in that inferno map. one of them with rags if i remember correctly :V
Oh cool, now I might get back into playing the game
About damn time

haha, man
I idled for a while now (no drops whatsoever; thank you karma) so now this is much more fair