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Pokemon MMO Topic
it wont happen but w all want it to happen

lets create the best hypothetical pokemon mmo ever

and remember that just bec ause an idea is cool doesnt mean it is good for the mmo (for a example one of my friends said water pokemon can only fight in water......... that dumbest thing i ever heard)
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Ah, this topic. I remember having a shitload of mechanics ideas in that regard, but I'm gtoo tired to type them out properly without sounding like a rambling idiot.

Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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samesies i have a whole slew of crap, but i don't feel like making a mega post atm :X i even made forums only me and my friend are there. LOL don't sign up btw that site is going NOWHERE
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Well some off the obvious ones would be customizable trainers and a cool story, but the best pokemon mmo would be one that does not stray to far away from the main franchise. With total creative freedom there is alot of responsabilility to not go to far out with your ideas. And that "it wont happen" attitude is the biggest detriment any project can get. If you're serious (with the forum and all) about this for real I want in.
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i honestly do have aspirations to buy a liscense from gamefreak to make this MMO, but when i am up and out of college. i am just now getting into my studies (starting college aug 18) so it may be a while.

so maybe someday but i dont think so right now. :-) bu even then it might not happen. just depends
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liscenses are for suckers, make it yourself, gamefreak won't care, as long as you aren't charging

Nintendo made a public statement that they don't mind fangames.
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(07-19-2009, 07:45 PM)Zac Wrote: liscenses are for suckers, make it yourself, gamefreak won't care, as long as you aren't charging

Nintendo made a public statement that they don't mind fangames.

thats the problem-- if i make it i want dedicated teams on salaries working under me for a P2P game. P2P ensures game quality, trust me.
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That would be great, but it wouldn't be impossable to find dedicated, talented people to do this for free if they shared your goal.
You have to work with what you have, besides it dosen't take that many people to make a great game (thinking of crash bandicoot).
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Ok, so the main thing that would have to be tackled within the game would be how multiplayer aspects can be incorportated. Because Pokémon has Co-op in the barest of forms (just Double Battles, and that's only between 2 people); adjustments would have to be made to the mechanics to make the idea of teaming up attractive or indeed necessary.

The most obvious solution would be to limit how many Pokémon you can carry with you, or limit what type of Pokémon you can use. Although Shim Megami Tensei Online allows as many as 8 demons to be carried at once, switching between them hold certain conditions, and well, all foes are decidedly more vindictive and more likely to use swarm tactics than your average Pokémon game.

Legends can't be caught, for obvious reasons. Rotom and Phione are not classified as Legendary.

Allow choice over what kind of 'goal' the player character is going for (which, if coupled with the idea of 'mon restrictions, would probably dicate what kind of 'mon you have access to). Including, but not limited to Breeder, Researcher, Co-Ordinator, Contender (aiming for Champion), and Officer. Possible Team Rocket/Magma/Aqua/Galactic class?
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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I used to play that for a while, but it was in beta and ran kinda buggy, I'm not sure how it is currently.
"Credit Me With Some Intelligence. (If Not Just Credit Me)"

[Image: dh3.jpg][Image: sprint.gif]
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MMO? no thanks.
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3D Modelling 
(07-20-2009, 11:00 AM)DigiTamer Metaru Wrote: MMO? no thanks.

i honestly hate oyu

anyway her eui go into serious mode IM GOINNN GHOSTTTTTTTT

In an average MMORPG the player maintains one character, but in Pokemon you are keeping track of hundreds of Pokemon, though six at a time. Therefore one would assume they are going to be maintaining hundreds of Pokemon and six at time. I believe this should not be the case. Pokemon in MMO form should act as one.

What I'm trying to say is, instead of having a Pokemon's move pool versatile and self sufficient, they should be very one sided and specialized. Torterra should not be a tanking Pokemon and a damage dealing Pokemon. It should be a tanking Pokemon and Poliwrath should be a damage dealer. What I'm trying to say here is, that each Pokemon will be so specialized, they can't maintain themselves in a battle without each other, whether that means you are in a party, with p.other Pokemon trainers, or if you simply switch out your own existing Pokemon for each role. Ideally, each trainer wont be shoved into a niche, but will all have well rounded teams.

Of course though, a trainer may choose to specialize in a certain type of role, which is where partying is beneficial.
Here is what I have planned out in the way of classes:

Currently, I only have Ranger fleshed out. A Pokemon Ranger will be a very unique path to choose, as you will only be allowed ONE Pokemon on your team, which will be called your partner. Your Pokemon partner may be out at all times, sort of akin to how Ash and Pikachu are. To suffice for the lack of the 5 other Pokemon, though, a Ranger also has the ability to "Tame" Pokemon on the fly, and "Release" them as they wish. When you Tame a Pokemon, it fights along side your Pokepartner with AI, as opposed to the regular way a Pokemon battles (which I will describe later).

Everyone knows wild Pokemon are not as powerful as trained Pokemon, though, so as the Trainer gains experience (NOT LEVELS, ONLY POKEMON GAIN LEVELS, TRAINERS GAIN EXPERIENCE) s/he will gain other abilities to augment the performance of their tamed Pokemon and eventually their Pokepartner.

As for the other classes, I have not been able to make them unique yet, but I can and will. Here is what i have in mind for them so far:

Trainer- No idea, atm.
Breeder- Can create "food" for your own Pokemon and other Pokemon in your party. Various other undecided things will be added.
Professor- Can call Pokemon from storage boxes for themselves and other party members without access to a PokeCenter. They can also "scan" wild Pokemon for details. Various other undecided things will be added.
Coordinator- No idea, atm.

Equipment is a staple mechanic in any kind of RPG, especially MMORPGs. My hypothetical Pokemon MMO is no different.

In the Pokemon MMO, you may adorn yourself with various pieces of equipment, as well as your Pokemon. Equipment worn by the trainer may improve the abilities of the trainer, or may contain statistic that are transferred strait to their Pokemon to give them that edge in battle.

Currently, it is undecided what kind of "slots" will be availiable for equipping on the trainer, but on the Pokemon I have dictated that there be minimal "slots" to help a trainers budget, when they have hundreds of Pokemon to maintain.

A single Pokemon has two "Accessory slots". These slots cna contain things such as scarves, bandannas, backpacks, goggles, ribbons, anything a trainer could want to put on their Pokemon. Pokemon accessories are restricted by body type (I'd like to see Muk wear a scarf or Wailord wear a backpack), level, and size (tiny, small, medium, large, huge). Unlike trainer equipment, a Pokemon's equipment only affects it unless specified otherwise. These effects can range from accelerated speed, boosting elemental damage, resistance to a type, and various other things.

This post is under construction. Sections to come:
*Levels & Experience
*Pokemon/Trainer Abilities
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