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#SmashBrosUltimate - Smash Bros for Switch.
So in light of E3 and recent updates I figure that it would be a good idea to make a general thread for this discussion.

While it's pretty much Sm4sh for 3DS and Wii U it seems like that Sakurai is actually building on the engine and pretty much going all out.

UPDATE 6/13/18: Revamping the entire post to include each detail and any sources that confirm the information. Also because I have a feeling there's going to be alot to jot down I'm condensing all information into spoiler tags to keep the first post from being a gigantic wall of text that forces everyone to scroll down.

UPDATE 8/8/18/-8/11/18: A) Updated the list in light of the announcements on 8/8/18. All new characters have been added and currently confirmed items are in the list. The list was also re-organized to keep the thread from being overly huge with selections (Assist Trophies and Pokemon are sub-sections in the items section.

B) The stages were also lightly updated, however another update will be done at some point shortly in the future to better reflect all current stages confirmed. Apologies for the inconvenience!

Smash Wiki:
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Blog:
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Website:

All information will be updated as news develops, also as I keep updating this I'm likely going to add in more categories for the list with any current information. If there is something I missed or got mixed up please do not hesitate to mention it and I'll correct it as soon as I can!
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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(06-12-2018, 06:18 PM)DioShiba Wrote: -VERY LIKELY, but unconfirmed that secret characters will be a thing of the past in light of the character announcements.

What do you mean by this? Sakurai specifically talked about the "starting roster" potentially only being the original Smash 64 characters.

I will say that as great as it is to have everybody back in the ring, I'm a little surprised that it seems like Pokemon Trainer is utilizing his Down Special to swap Pokemon now that Inklings have introduce the idea of using Special + Shield for gimmick actions. Seems a shame to throw out an attack option that Charizard was given in the previous game.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
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I can't believe how big this game is. We'll probably only see another 2-3 newcomers. I wonder if they plan to use DLC to extend the life of the game?
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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(06-12-2018, 10:44 PM)Kriven Wrote:
(06-12-2018, 06:18 PM)DioShiba Wrote: -VERY LIKELY, but unconfirmed that secret characters will be a thing of the past in light of the character announcements.

What do you mean by this? Sakurai specifically talked about the "starting roster" potentially only being the original Smash 64 characters.

I stand corrected then, I assumed that since everyone got confirmed rather than confirming each character every so often that it's likely no one would be a secret character. Though, given how sakurai has changed opinions now and then I would not be surprised if everyone in the roster was available from the start.

(06-13-2018, 07:46 AM)Ton Wrote: I can't believe how big this game is. We'll probably only see another 2-3 newcomers. I wonder if they plan to use DLC to extend the life of the game?

I would be shocked if there wasn't any.

If I'm a betting man, then I'm willing to wager that Krystal, K. Rool and Issac could get in given Daisy and Ridley got in after how many people kept requesting all five of these characters over the years. I would like to see Trevor Belmont in however as a representative for Castlevania since I know he's appeared in at least two different games, one of which being Symphony of the Night which by now is pretty well known.

So it is confirmed that gamecube controller compatibility will be present in the games, will be updating the first post momentarily.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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Krystal is an Assist. There is already footage of her.
My money is on K. Rool and Spring Man/Ribbon Girl, and maybe one more surprise rep. A big one. Simon Belmont or Geno or something.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by: DioShiba
Krystal's an assist trophy, unfortunately :-\

Quote:I can't believe how big this game is. We'll probably only see another 2-3 newcomers. I wonder if they plan to use DLC to extend the life of the game?

Man, I keep seeing sentiments like this but I don't really get it. The majority of the game is obviously ported from Wii U, which means most of that stuff already existed. It's the fact that they're remaking previous stages instead of just porting over low-res assets that might be contributing to a smaller pool of fighters.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
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Every version of Smash started off as a dump of the previous version.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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So I just gotta say, I'm glad that DK's final smash is no longer the bongos from Jungle Beat.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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(06-13-2018, 01:03 PM)Ton Wrote: Every version of Smash started off as a dump of the previous version.

None have been as similar as now, is the point. Certain elements were reused between games, sure, but good portions of each game were rebuilt from the ground up. That's pretty clearly not the case here. For Smash Wii U Sakurai's team built 50+ characters and models essentially from nothing. Here they're starting with models and coding for 50+ characters right off the bat. It's not a comparable workload.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
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I’m still pissed there is no Pac-Man World representation so far.

I’m only praying Namco doesn’t add Lloyd Irving and shove Tales down my throat even more. Granted I’m crossing my fingers at the very least Klonoa will be an assist trophy after seeing Bomberman.
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(06-16-2018, 01:34 AM)SuperMario123311 Wrote: I’m still pissed there is no Pac-Man World representation so far.

I don't really see why there needs to be a pac man world representation to be honest. Pac-Land is a bit more influential to Pac-Man's current design.

Personally what I'm disappointed by is the fact that the Pac-Maze isn't a stage, or for a more interesting idea a stage based off the maze designs in Pac-Man Championship Edition. But I'm not going to complain about it too much because it could potentially be DLC down the line.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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As far as Namco adding another representative... I'm not sure I see it happening. I think there's a halfway decent chance that we don't get any new third-party characters this time around.

Although if Namco did get a second slot, I'd want it to be KOS-MOS just because she's kind of walking this line between Namco and Monolith Soft.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
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(06-16-2018, 11:53 AM)DioShiba Wrote:
(06-16-2018, 01:34 AM)SuperMario123311 Wrote: I’m still pissed there is no Pac-Man World representation so far.

I don't really see why there needs to be a pac man world representation to be honest. Pac-Land is a bit more influential to Pac-Man's current design.

Personally what I'm disappointed by is the fact that the Pac-Maze isn't a stage, or for a more interesting idea a stage based off the maze designs in Pac-Man Championship Edition. But I'm not going to complain about it too much because it could potentially be DLC down the line.

I’m glad they are acknowledging Pac-Land but they should have acknowledged Pac-Man’s more successful platformer outings too for that matter. Especially considering everybody hated the Pac-Land stage. Granted I’m kind of glad Pac isn’t getting a generic neon maze again unlike Sonic who is stuck with Green Hill once more. (And his stage didn’t even get a visual upgrade here either, It’s so boring and flat now. Couldn’t they have upgraded the visuals to look more like Green Hill in Generations?)

The Butt Bounce not being Pac’s Down-Air is a huge misssed opportunity too. It just rubs me the wrong way that Sonic and Mega Man have stuff from later entries while Pac-Man doesn’t. At the very least I wanted to use the Butt Bounce or listen to a few music tracks from the games while fighting.
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@ Kriven another representative i could see from Namco is Klonoa he even had some of his games on Nintendo consoles.
What Rips am i doing next not sure?
[Image: giphy.webp]
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(06-16-2018, 01:47 PM)SuperMario123311 Wrote:
(06-16-2018, 11:53 AM)DioShiba Wrote:
(06-16-2018, 01:34 AM)SuperMario123311 Wrote: I’m still pissed there is no Pac-Man World representation so far.

I don't really see why there needs to be a pac man world representation to be honest. Pac-Land is a bit more influential to Pac-Man's current design.

Personally what I'm disappointed by is the fact that the Pac-Maze isn't a stage, or for a more interesting idea a stage based off the maze designs in Pac-Man Championship Edition. But I'm not going to complain about it too much because it could potentially be DLC down the line.

I’m glad they are acknowledging Pac-Land but they should have acknowledged Pac-Man’s more successful platformer outings too for that matter. Especially considering everybody hated the Pac-Land stage. Granted I’m kind of glad Pac isn’t getting a generic neon maze again unlike Sonic who is stuck with Green Hill once more. (And his stage didn’t even get a visual upgrade here either, It’s so boring and flat now. Couldn’t they have upgraded the visuals to look more like Green Hill in Generations?)

The Butt Bounce not being Pac’s Down-Air is a huge misssed opportunity too. It just rubs me the wrong way that Sonic and Mega Man have stuff from later entries while Pac-Man doesn’t. At the very least I wanted to use the Butt Bounce or listen to a few music tracks from the games while fighting.

Except the move set is intended to be a homage to Namco as a whole, Not just Pac-Man World.

Yes, you have a point on pac-man world being a successful platformer, but that's only just one game, and there is a certain aesthetic Sakruai is aiming for. Take into consideration that some of his moves literally reference other namco titles, such as the grab being a reference to Galaga, or Mappy appearing in one of his taunts. Not to mention the fire hydrant literally being taken from Pac-Land itself which makes sense why they would include it.

As far as the stage goes, I think we may have to agree to disagree. I think the Pac-Maze represents where Pac-Man started out and it would have been better suited. It's no different from how Mega-Man has Wily Castle and Sonic has Green Hill, And the respective stages of other third party characters. I would still vouch however to include some type of element with the maze stage inspired by pac man championship edition where if you collect a certain amount of dots on one side and eat a fruit on one half, then the other half of the maze changes.

I think that would be a way cooler and more interesting way of playing on a stage than scrolling on the stages just because you have to memorize specific layouts as the maze changes.

Like I said, I used to think in the same way you have with Pac-Man being more inspired by pac-man world, but as you look at what Sakurai is aiming to do with pac-man, then you really begin to understand why those choices are made.
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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