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I get it!
I finally get it
Spamhaul fucking sucks.
The people in are all a bunch of drooling idiots, floundering in pools of their own shit and vomit, trying to be laugh at horrible jokes and even worse pictures.
I've been trying and trying to prove that I'm as funny as all of you fucks, but in all that time I realized something.
None of you were even funny in the first place!
I've been worrying so much about what all of you thought about me, that I never stoped to think about myself, or what I was doing.
It's so clear to me now!
I don't need Spamhaul!
I never did!
This stain in the crapper was the chain holding me back from a truly fulfilling life, and I could have simply dropped the chain and left at any time.
I'm free, and I've been free this whole time!
Bye, guys, have fun playing in your own piss, I'm goanna go play outside, maybe start a bug collection.
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
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it really took you this long to realize this is an awful forum full of awful people
Thanked by: Gold
yet i cant stop coming here.
TSR and /v/ are the only messageboards i use.
this is a sig

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dont leave


come back


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please dont come back

Thanked by: Woppet*, Gwen, Cobalt Blue
so same time tomorrow then
skype: bryangtbroyan
Thanked by: Alpha Six, Stooben
im the best

person ever
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Woppet*
ok bye
[Image: tumblr_lbmz8gVkvC1qcyzauo1_500.gif]
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I don't see it, everyone is really awesome and nice in this section.
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please thank my post im craving attention atm im feeling really really bad because i just remembered the day that chad died this would've been alot funnier if i didnt keep typing words
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bye jesus lizard go fukc dem bugs lmao
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