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Just how the hell long does it take to get something approved on here...?
(09-23-2019, 10:57 PM)-Q- Wrote: Wow. Baby me. Ok. You're confused. This is for you. The contributions that people make on here - that we make on here - we get nothing out of it. Not even credit or recognition. Now, some request it, but I personally think it's arrogant as hell to lay claim to someone else's work. Even I was not above this and I used to tag my submissions with a silly little picture (really wish I could edit these out now).

It's literally out of the goodness out of our hearts. There are about a million and one things we could be doing, and we choose to bolster your database of pretty little pictures. Now, if this is somehow someone's livelihood, I apologize for being disingenuous. And also, I'd really like to know how you make a monetary living off of this.

So for you to claim that requesting the process be more user-friendly and streamlined is the equivalent to babying us, there's a term that exists for that: Go fuck yourself. Most human beings don't look at their pending submissions page because: 1) They're pending. Waiting in line. Idle. Nothing happening. 2) No new information is displayed regarding the status of the submission on the pending page. Because that function is precisely reserved for PM'sUnimpressed I say "Let's include a wee bit more information and notifications regarding pending submissions" you say "We're not here to baby you."

You can choose to accept or not accept via obtuse reasoning. That's on you. And I can just as easily choose to submit my shit elsewhere from now on.

And now that I have thoroughly gotten my ass banned, I will bid you adieu. I want to say it's been fun, but it hasn't. When I tried to make discussion, ya'll were rude as fuck. When I made a request once or twice, ya'll were useless. And when I made a simple suggestion, welp, I guess I want to be babied.

I don't ban people for having an opinion nor for a bit of rudeness. You're welcome to submit wherever you want. Oh, and for the record, you absolutely can submit a revision to your sheets removing the credit tag if you no longer want it on there. But none of that is the point of this reply. I simply want to make a few things clear to everyone else who's reading this and to you, specifically, -Q-.

You came in here with an attitude from the get-go complaining that it's been over three months since you submitted with nothing to show for it. You claim that we should be notifying users of things because you forgot them instead of taking responsibility for it. None of our PMs are automated - all of them require direct involvement form the staff before they're sent. So putting in a PM to tell people they forgot icons, which are clearly marked as optional, is not only unnecessary but also very user-unfriendly given that it implies that they are in fact required when it is explicitly stated otherwise. I can't imagine making the process any more streamlined than it has become over the years. You may not know (or remember, at least) this but back in the day, submissions were handled exclusively through the forum and had to be manually uploaded by staff. If anyone has any well thought out and less abrasive suggestions on how to improve the process though, we'd love to hear them in the Suggestions thread which you can find at the top of this forum.

But, back to your reply, -Q-, did you never think, even once, in all of the time you were waiting that there might be a reason for the slowness of our response? Expecting to have your stuff reviewed and up on the site within a week is asking for disappointment regardless but in this case, you clearly thought we should have addressed them sooner than now so I'd think the logical thing to do would be to take a peak at your own pending submissions to see if something is wrong. Or perhaps check the forum for the stickied thread outlining this exact topic. But no, you came in here effectively calling us all lazy and really got things started on a bad note.

You accurately point out that the members who submit here do so because they went to (though you do seem to neglect the fact that those submitters are directly credited and we often call out specific submitters in the weekly update when there's something noteworthy to see so to say there is no credit or recognition is patently false). We acknowledge that frequently and appreciate the work our community does without a doubt. But as true as your statement is, also remember that our staff does this because they want to as well. So coming in here and implying they're lazy for not doing work which you're clearly capable of doing yourself won't be tolerated. Was I a bit rude? Sure. Could I have perhaps chosen some of my wording slightly better? Absolutely. But you set the tone of this discussion with your opening post and escalated it with your reply early on so don't come in here and berate me for defending those who you are publicly attacking.

Like I said up front, you can stay or go as you please. You can submit here or anywhere else you want. I don't care either way. But before I go, I do want to point out that the pending page does in fact show you information you might not have been aware of beyond the fact that you didn't include icons - it alerts you to potential problems with your submissions in the event that a zip contains files that we're not expecting to see as well as a couple other site-specific issues that come up frequently. So, just because you chose to ignore it doesn't mean it is useless. And in fact, this thread proves that looking at it at least once after submitting can be advantageous if not only to help you spot your own mistakes before they get to us.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Just how the hell long does it take to get something approved on here...? - by Petie - 09-23-2019, 11:59 PM

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