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My submission keeps being ignored.
It has been almost a year since I successfully ripped the texture data for Dance Dance Revolution S and it really escaped my mind that this place existed until around May. I did my due by trying to start the submission process and I was met with this message: 

 "Hi Bloomstrad,

You're receiving this PM because I'm afraid we have rejected your game, "Dance Dance Revolution S" under the console "Mobile".

Your game was not accepted for the following reason:
  • There are no textures associated with this game. Our system does not show a texture associated with this game. This could be because a texture was never uploaded or because the texture submitted with the game has since been rejected.
You're more than welcome to reply if you have any questions.

Best of luck,
Random Talking Bush"

I promptly responded to the admin with the link to the files containing the texture data to show him that his judgement was wrong. My guess is that he didn't even try to look deeper into the subject considering it is very easy to tell that the game does contain textures just by seeing that there are 3d dancers available. 
I want to have my textures submitted but I keep being ignored.  Angry
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Messages In This Thread
My submission keeps being ignored. - by Bloomstrad - 08-08-2019, 11:19 AM

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