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Random Talking Bush's Model Importers and QuickBMS Scripts
I've updated the BFRES importer again!

Added support for Nintendo Switch BFRES files!
Revised the material importing again with some changes from Sylk.!atZ20IiZ!Ck4PX__CExrZc...7iFGeFFVo0

Also, here's my QuickBMS script for extracting the Switch's .BNTX, .BFRES and .BFFNT textures:!XwAjSYBa!JQ9wy3qGHvo7h...-uvRAKJy54

Personally I think it's good enough for a first release now. There's still a few textures that may not convert correctly with it (namely certain R8G8B8A8-format textures that are < 128 pixels in height), but considering I've spent most of the past two weeks troubleshooting and hacking the crap outta it, can you blame me for getting frustrated because of one minor problem?

(EDIT: Also forgot to mention -- you'll need to use Noesis or Intel Texture Works to view most of the textures since they use DX10-based formats (e.g. BC7, R11G11B10), or ASTC Encoder for those with the ASTC format.)

(EDIT 2: Did a quick revision for the BNTX script so that image dimensions aren't added to the files by default, it's now enabled by changing a certain value in the header.)
(EDIT 3: Updated the BFRES script with a quickfix relating to texture paths and added a "subfolder" importing option. More info here.)
(EDIT 4: Additional note -- If you're having problems extracting the textures, make sure your QuickBMS is up-to-date (0.8.0 as of this post)!)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Random Talking Bush's Model Importers and QuickBMS Scripts - by Random Talking Bush - 07-26-2017, 02:42 PM

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