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ENO/ZNO/GNO/XNO Import Release
Been working on this for quite some time as some of you know and just kind of quit. So I've decided I'll just go ahead and release what I've done, maybe someone else can add in the rest of the stuff.

Download (Random Talking Bush's updated version, 05/21/14):
Download (older version):

How this works:

EDIT: Okay, I goofed. Anyone who read earlier, this is what you do instead. Run it through the Editor Window, not from the startup folder. Max doesn't load the custom functions into memory for some reason. So just run it through the MaxScript Editor and it'll import the models just fine.

These scripts, except zno, import the bones but no weights. This is due to me having the hardest time trying to figure them out. The ENO script is probably the least easy to work with as bones don't import correctly constantly. Usually the rotations or something seem a little off. It also only supports Sonic Free Riders models as Sonic 4 Episode I ENO is different just enough to break the importer consistently.

And to make a double note, there could be some issues with some models from some games. I couldn't iron out every single issue, so I apologize if this isn't perfect, but what is? I tried to make it as easy to use as possible, and as I asked in the listing on the dialog, please do give credit where it's do.

Also, big thanks to mariokart64n who helped me out with learning MaxScript and to Kentalin for her original notes on the GNO format that got me started.
I post stuff randomly. I hope you people like what gets posted.

Messages In This Thread
ENO/ZNO/GNO/XNO Import Release - by ItsEasyActually - 08-18-2013, 01:01 PM
RE: ENO/ZNO/GNO/XNO Import Release - by Omnitrix - 08-23-2013, 03:40 PM
RE: ENO/ZNO/GNO/XNO Import Release - by Doronetty - 12-13-2013, 01:11 PM
RE: ENO/ZNO/GNO/XNO Import Release - by Omnitrix - 03-27-2014, 11:43 AM
RE: ENO/ZNO/GNO/XNO Import Release - by TGE - 04-02-2014, 07:57 PM
RE: ENO/ZNO/GNO/XNO Import Release - by Omnitrix - 05-16-2014, 07:09 AM

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