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TSR COMPO Vol.3: "In the name of goodNES"
Every spriter has attempted an NES styled sprite at least once in their spriting history, but very few have succeeded to do so the right way.
among the sea of crappy megaman edits, there are a few gems of custom goodNES (pun intended)

The aim of this challenge is to create a custom sprite (or sprites) that fit within the graphical limitations of the NES.
The color restrictions are both the NES palette and the colors-per-screen limitations.
[Image: NES_palette.png]
The maximum size will be the dimensions of the NES screen resolution: 256x240

Ends Wednesday, Aug. 29th

Messages In This Thread
TSR COMPO Vol.3: "In the name of goodNES" - by Sketchasaurus - 08-22-2012, 09:26 PM

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