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You guys remember Kokisami, made by Saijee?
unfortunately I'm starting to agree with you guys about how this won't be original, etc

Quote:(5:04:26 PM) Ultimzer: dart
(5:05:17 PM) Ultimzer: just thought you should see this for yourself
(5:05:17 PM) Ultimzer:
(5:05Cute2 PM) Dart: i dont want to

(5:05Cute8 PM) Ultimzer: just look at it
(5:06:04 PM) Dart: why?
(5:06:21 PM) Ultimzer: this is why people were saying that you should be more original
(5:06Cute8 PM) Ultimzer: just look at it
(5:06:55 PM) Ultimzer: if you won't listen to what people are saying, their opinion won't inprove
(5:07:04 PM) Dart: I could only imagine it is more complaint's that only show up because again, I was a bit rushed at making the "trailer"
(5:07:15 PM) Dart: that's really all they have said before
(5:07:27 PM) Ultimzer:
(5:07Cute8 PM) Dart: what is it?
(5:07:42 PM) Ultimzer: check it out
(5:07:49 PM) Dart: I don't want to
(5:07:55 PM) Ultimzer: dart
(5:07:58 PM) Ultimzer: seriously
(5:08:02 PM) Dart: just say what you want me to get
(5:08:10 PM) Ultimzer: if you don't listen to the public opnion then nobody will want to play the game
(5:08:22 PM) Ultimzer: it's not about you "rushing" the trailer or anything
(5:08:41 PM) Ultimzer: it's about your game being original
(5:08:42 PM) Dart: well, I do listen
(5:08:47 PM) Dart: and it is
(5:08:51 PM) Dart: because
(5:08:53 PM) Dart: again
(5:08:57 PM) Dart: that can be exclaimed
(5:09:06 PM) Dart: that i was really on the peak of the dew date
(5:09:14 PM) Dart: and it was rushed as part of the trailer
(5:09Cute7 PM) Ultimzer: did you even look at it?
(5:09:41 PM) Dart: yea
(5:10:11 PM) Ultimzer: there were other posts before that saying how stuff looked exactly like brawl
(5:10:55 PM) Dart: so?
(5:11:03 PM) Ultimzer: even if the trailer wasn;t supposed to represent what the game will actually be (which I still don't understand because that will make people even morem confused) then you should show us how the game actually is
(5:11:19 PM) Ultimzer: no trailer crap, no nothing
(5:11Cute1 PM) Ultimzer: just a sample LIVE video of you playing something
(5:11Cute7 PM) Ultimzer: you don't even have to release a demo
(5:11:50 PM) Ultimzer: make a short video of you running around in the game
(5:12:01 PM) Ultimzer: cut out anything that will ruin story elements or whatever
(5:12:13 PM) Ultimzer: just show YOU playing the game in real time
(5:12Cute1 PM) Dart: either way, it's not really going to resemble the finished idea round enough
(5:12:41 PM) Ultimzer: *sigh*
(5:12:44 PM) Ultimzer: that doesn't matter
(5:13:02 PM) Dart: you don't get it do you
(5:13:07 PM) Ultimzer: if you want people to stop comparing your game to brawkl, you'll have to show them how it's different
(5:13:16 PM) Ultimzer: you haven'
(5:13:27 PM) Ultimzer: t released anything that shows otherwise
(5:14:01 PM) Ultimzer: all this avoiding a release is just making people want to play your game less
(5:14:17 PM) Ultimzer: like I said, something ANYTHING that we can use
(5:14:29 PM) Dart: hold on, let me speak
(5:14Cute4 PM) Ultimzer: okay go ahea
(5:14:52 PM) Dart: see the thing is, that I'm trying to make a new more efficient engine for the game, I have talked to the people at GMC about this
(5:15:07 PM) Dart: I am indeed listenting to people's opinoins
(5:15:13 PM) Dart: just other people
(5:15:16 PM) Ultimzer: :/
(5:15:25 PM) Ultimzer: and what are they saying
(5:15:59 PM) Dart: I descirbed how the original idea of Kokisami would be a bit of a mesh of elements from differeant types of games
(5:16:19 PM) Dart: platformer, beat-em-up, RPG, ect
(5:17:01 PM) Dart: and we came to the conclusion, that it would overall be more enjoyable, if instead of stuffing them together, dividing them into parts, this really let's me have many advantages
(5:17:19 PM) Dart: thing is, there will be about 3 games of kokisami, that have the exact same story, the first story,
(5:17:20 PM) Dart: but
(5:17Cute0 PM) Dart: it will varry here and there, and
(5:17Cute9 PM) Dart: become more pronouced progressivly
(5:17:55 PM) Dart: the first game will be mainly about the platforming and shooting elements of the game
(5:18:17 PM) Dart: the second will be more about combat
(5:18:26 PM) Dart: and the third will be turn based role playing
(5:18:59 PM) Ultimzer: wait a sec
(5:19:08 PM) Ultimzer: so instead of your original idea of different games
(5:19:10 PM) Ultimzer: you're going back
(5:19:16 PM) Ultimzer: and makeg the SAME GAME OVER AGIN
(5:19:18 PM) Ultimzer: 3 times
(5:19:26 PM) Ultimzer: with different gameplay in each
(5:19:29 PM) Ultimzer: what
(5:19:54 PM) Dart: that's the idea
(5:20:11 PM) Ultimzer: what kind of sense does that make
(5:20:18 PM) Dart: in reality, the first thee games, will have no actual sequalism
(5:20:56 PM) Ultimzer: so you're basically doing like the naruto games and making a zillion different game types that all follow the EXACT SAME STORY
(5:21Cute2 PM) Dart: I would not know, I don't play naruto
(5:21:57 PM) Dart: However, the point of this, is expansion
(5:23:05 PM) Dart: in that the story is not moving forward, but outward, giving me many more posiblities
(5:24Cute0 PM) Ultimzer: honestly I don't think that people really want to play the same game times with only minor gameplay differences
(5:25:24 PM) Dart: umm, that's not what i said
(5:25Cute3 PM) Dart: the game play is REALLY differeant
(5:25Cute7 PM) Ultimzer: I know what you said
(5:25:44 PM) Dart: but the story is only a slight variation
(5:25:45 PM) Ultimzer: but my point still stands
(5:25:48 PM) Ultimzer: same story
(5:25:51 PM) Ultimzer: same characters
(5:25:54 PM) Ultimzer: same environment
(5:25:55 PM) Ultimzer: etc
(5:26:00 PM) Ultimzer: just with gameplay changes
(5:26:11 PM) Ultimzer: you're preplaying the same thing, not progressing
(5:26:15 PM) Ultimzer: *replaying
(5:26:25 PM) Dart: expanding
(5:27:07 PM) Ultimzer: which is just the politically correct term for replaying
(5:27:17 PM) Ultimzer: you sound like a bad interview
(5:27:20 PM) Ultimzer: :/
(5:27:26 PM) Dart: what's your point?

we're still discussing atm
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Messages In This Thread
RE: You guys remember Kokisami, made by Saijee? - by Vipershark - 02-25-2009, 05:31 PM

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