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Paraemon's Comprehensive Ripping Project Thread [Expansion Station]
Today's been something of a lazy day. So I figured, why not get on with some ripping work?

Please refer to the attachment, as my current internet connection seems to like to prevent me from accessing random sites with no warning, so I can't get onto imgbb at this time of writing. Fixed.

[Image: HPZ.png]

I have basically torn apart all the pieces that make up the Hidden Palace Zone, so that users can build their own version much more to how they wish. It is functionally similar to Skylight's sheet currently up on TSR, but just more minuscule. I've also incorporated the 0408 alternate purple palette on the lime green objects due to the change that happens when you access the special stage within HPZ.

All I have left to do, essentially, is decuple check everything, and then organise the sheet and add the annotations. I've also captured some missing objects, including the 12-frame animation cycles of the teleporter pedestals. The 'elephant' like room pieces will remain as is due to their one-off nature and there not being a current need to edit up something new when you can't see it in-game.

The sheet can (and likely will) be finished by next weekend. But I ask:
1. Should I incorporate a version of the Emerald Altar that has the powerless Super Emeralds?
2. Should I do what SupaChao once did and rip the 100+ animation frames of the Chaos Emeralds preparing to unlock the Supers? It'd create a large sheet, but as it is HPZ-specific, would fit.
[Image: WatSig.png]
Thanked by: Ton

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Comprehensive Sonic Ripping Project - by Paraemon - 02-11-2018, 04:35 PM

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