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Unnamed "Ghost Hunt" game Idea
Unnamed Game

Theme; Ghost hunting, hide-and-seek

Draws inspiration from Ghostbusters, Luigi's Mansion, Spy vs Spy, Hide and seek

Main game focus:
2 teams (scientists and ghosts) square off in a haunted house, the team left standing wins

The scientists must hunt down the ghosts using a flashlight and deghostifier gun, whilst the
ghosts hide in plain sight by possessing and controlling objects in the house. The scientists
have 10 minutes (the game starts at 11:50 pm) to capture all the ghosts and dispose of them.
If the clock runs out and it strikes midnight, the ghosts will gain power and destroy the

Team skill breakdowns

=The Scientists=

Scientists have two items at their disposal, A flashlight, and a Deghostifier gun.

The flashlight, which can be switched on and off, spreads a cone of vision for the player,
as the house will be very dark and shadowy. Although ghosts may be able to travel easily in
the dark, If caught in a flashlight's beam, their movement will be cut by half, making them
easier to hit with the Deghostifier gun's capture beam. Flashlights run on batteries, so power
is finite. Batteries are scattered around the house though, so recharging wont be too great of
an issue.

The Deghostifier Gun is the primary capture device for the scientists. Firing it at exposed
ghosts will allow you to capture them, and place them in containment cylinders. If you fire
the beam at a possessed object, it will only weaken the occupying ghost, not capture it, but if
the possessed object is hit enough, it will force the ghost out of the object, and for the rest
of the game, that object will not be usable for ghosts to possess. Note that the scientists can't
just go around and blast every object, making everything off limits to ghosts. The Deghostifier has
limited power, and any scientist with a empty gun will move at half speed, making them more susceptible
to ghost tricks. Scientists can re-power their guns at the van just outside the house.

-Team strategy-
The main task for the Scientists is to track down and capture the five ghosts in the house using
their Deghostifier Guns. Once a ghost is captured, they are put in a containment capsule. Any
scientist carrying a capsule will need both hands to hold it, so both the flashlight and gun will
be inoperable during. The scientist will need to walk the capsule back to the van and place it in the
Capture tank, located in the van. Scientists don't have to do this immediately, they can leave the
cylinders wherever they wish, but in order for the game to be won, all the capture cylinders MUST be
placed in the van to complete the game. If that clock strikes midnight, the cylinders wont hold, and
the ghosts will escape.

Scientists can also pick up and move objects out of the way. Larger objects may require more scientists.
Any scientist holding an item will not be able to access their flashlight or deghostifier gun.

*The Ghosts*

The ghosts can only do one thing, possess objects. This can be used in many different ways though.

The main use of possession is to hide. While in an object, a ghost is completely hidden. The ghost
also has complete control of the object which means they can move it around, and if it has a function,
activate it. (examples include turning on lamps, opening and closing doors, making noises, etc.)
An object's movement speed is dependant on it's size, and how much energy the ghost has.

A ghost can hide in an object for as long as they wish, but entering or exiting an object, or activating
an object costs one point of energy each, so randomly jumping from object to object isn't advised.
Proper planning will allow a ghost to sneak through the house unnoticed.

-Team Strategy-

Remember that unlike scientists, there is no way for a ghost to replenish it's energy reserves, so if you drop
to zero, your time is up and you will fade away. As such, proper usage and smart movement is key for ghosts.
There is no way for a ghost to "defeat" the scientists as a ghost is incorporeal, but you can do things to hinder
the scientists' advances. By placing items in front of doorways or stairs, it forces scientists to remove them,
making them waste time, and helping the ghosts find new places to hide. Cleverly placed items could in theory
permanently block areas, making safe zones for ghosts. Be aware that scientists can fire beams at objects, rendering
them unusable by ghosts, so this can backfire on you. By utilizing the abilities of various objects, ghosts can also
rig "traps" that can damage or impede the scientists. Note that you can't "kill" a scientist, but no one says they
cant be bludgeoned, electrocuted, set on fire, slip on things, or be involved in other various mishaps. Any scientist
who suffers an "accident" while holding an item, whether it be a capsule or normal house item, will drop it. This
helps ghosts potentially recover captured ghosts before they are taken to the van.

Two key items that should be possessed are batteries and capture capsules. If a scientist picks up possessed
batteries, their flashlight will short out for 30 seconds. One should note that ghosts cannot move batteries,
but it costs no energy to possess or leave a battery. If you see a Capture capsule lying around, that means one
of your team is captured, and that you should free them. Possess the capsule, and by expending 30% of your
energy, you will break the other ghost free while forfeiting that expended energy to the freed ghost. You cannot free
a fellow ghost if your energy is under 30%. One should also note that Ghosts cannot step outside of the house, so any
capsules that make it back to the van are lost for good.

+Set Design+
Levels will be themed, but not static. Every time a level is loaded, its layout will be procedurally created, within certain
parameters. This will ensure that all of the room layouts are unique, but still believable. It would be a little suspect if
the game loaded the contents of a kitchen in what is clearly a bathroom. All the items within the respective rooms will have
several random layouts, so scientists can't just remember the map for next time.

The initial level will be of the haunted house variety. It will consist of 12 rooms spread amongst 2 floors. All items within
reason will be up for possession.

I would like several different themed stages, each with unique set pieces and interactive objects. You know, give each level
its own "feel."

Anyway, thats what i've got for now. Any questions or suggestions are welcome.

Thanked by: Ploaj, Zadaben

Messages In This Thread
Unnamed "Ghost Hunt" game Idea - by Sevenstitch - 08-10-2013, 11:08 PM
RE: Unnamed "Ghost Hunt" game Idea - by Candel - 08-12-2013, 08:38 PM
RE: Unnamed "Ghost Hunt" game Idea - by Kriven - 08-13-2013, 04:06 AM
RE: Unnamed "Ghost Hunt" game Idea - by Zadaben - 08-15-2013, 11:41 PM

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