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puggsoy's Bottomless Top Hat Of Sprites
(09-06-2012, 05:40 PM)puggsoy Wrote: By the way, that makes me wonder: how do multiple language games work? I mean most rips I see are from the US versions from games, but suppose someone wanted some Japanese text, like the sheets I mentioned just now? Or sprites from a feature only available in the European version of a game? Or if a character has different versions across game versions?

In the case of really old games, they are usually one version for around the world. As in the Japanese version, the American version and the European version are the same or mostly the same and if there were any changes they would be minor like copyright information. There are some exceptions like text adventure games or some RPGs usually or if a game is made for exclusively for that market. Depending on the game, there might be some censorship that most of the time does have noticable changes whether it is Japanese to US or US to Europe or even most of Europe to Germany. Sometimes games get released later so they might be some graphic changes whether it is cultural or an improvement. More recently the changes are larger due to that game companies do care about Europe a bit more than in the past so there are localisation differences like games in the UK (and I'm guessing places like New Zealand too?) use British English instead of always using the American English (it was either Sega or Namco out of the Japanese companies started using British English first, Nintendo did it much later on) even though sometimes some American spellings still pop up. Like in the past might be either completely in English (the same as the US version), or English/French/German or English/French/German/Spanish/Italian versions but now for some games each country gets its own version (especially if Microsoft or Sony publish the game) so it can be up to 20 versions of a game but most of the time, it is just text differences but you never know.

I'll try if available rip from all 3 (or more) versions of the game if there are noticable differences and some people on the site actually do rip from all versions of the game. The main problem is that online in general seems to be more American focused (there is a reason why I say Genesis every time I post a submission instead of using Mega Drive that I'm used to) so stuff like Japanese text is a lower priority since I don't even know if any Japanese people go on tSR and the ones who do rip Japanese language stuff are usually into RPGs/visual novels/anime games or really into the Japanese culture and know a little bit about the language (however the graphics have a much much higher demand). European, Korean and even Chinese versions have the lowest demand by comparison. Also some versions are still not dumped yet or very hard to find especially the Korean versions or that the European version is compressed to squeeze the languages in while the US version is easier to rip since it isn't like that. In the case of some games they might not know the language and go for the version that they can understand; the US, the English or a English fan-translated version is usually the go to one.

Sorry it's a bit long but tSR does accept other versions of games happily.

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