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Planning to Rip Sonic 4 Episode 2
(08-04-2012, 05:30 AM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: And on a similar note, gawd dang there are a lot of *NO model formats that Sega's using for their games. All of which are very similar to one another, from what I've seen (such as starting with the same N*IF headers). Still have no idea how to parse them, as I'm a complete newb to that kinda thing. The ones I've seen are as follows (if this means anything):

CNO: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (PS3)
ENO: Sonic the Hedgehog 4, Sonic Free Riders (XBox 360)
GNO: Various Sonic games (Wii)
INO: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (iPod / Windows Phone 7, possibly the Android / Blackberry versions?)
UNO: K-On: Houkago Live (PSP)
XNO: Sonic the Hedgehog '06 (XBox 360)
ZNO: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (PC)

I'm not sure if the PS3 version of Sonic 06 has a different model format or not, as I don't have the files to check.

XNO is also used in the PS3 version of Sonic 2006, but I think they slightly vary from their 360 counterparts.

I've basically looked at each one except UNO (Hadn't heard of it until now) and CNO (Can't seem to get the cpk files from Sonic 4 to extract). The model format is actually pretty simple, but then again, I had a little help from a friend before hand...and I've been at cracking formats for almost two years, and been working in hex since 2007 roughly.

And just to add some fuel into this, the original person to crack into some of these formats is the wonderful Kentalin. To my knowledge, she wrote a GNO reader with animation support and XNO PS3 version with animation support for Sonic 2006, both based on her brres viewer. None of these tools are available however, and might never be since not many people actually got them from her plus she's since left the scene. I will, however, release whatever tools I can when I feel they're finished. The two formats I've worked on the most have been GNO and ZNO. ZNO requires an overhaul of the skeletal structure for models before anything else, and GNO requires the weights to be properly understood. They both need some texture support though, haha. I also wrote stuff for ENO, but it needs to be over hauled completely.

And just so I don't leave you all empty handed with a long winded speech on all this BS, haha.
(Links because the images are big...)
I post stuff randomly. I hope you people like what gets posted.
Thanked by: Random Talking Bush

Messages In This Thread
RE: Planning to Rip Sonic 4 Episode 2 - by josh98 - 06-16-2012, 12:04 PM
RE: Planning to Rip Sonic 4 Episode 2 - by TGE - 06-16-2012, 05:02 PM
RE: Planning to Rip Sonic 4 Episode 2 - by josh98 - 06-16-2012, 05:52 PM
RE: Planning to Rip Sonic 4 Episode 2 - by TGE - 06-16-2012, 06:00 PM
RE: Planning to Rip Sonic 4 Episode 2 - by ItsEasyActually - 08-04-2012, 07:32 AM

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