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A Mario fangame! It's a fangame! With Mario!
Updort time:

[Image: BrickBreakinforJustice.png]

Yep, got Brick Blocks and Prize Blocks working - and a basic "what's inside them" system up and running as well! If Brick Blocks contain items they'll either turn into a Prize Block or a Dud Block depending on how many. If they don't they just explode into lots of brickly bits as evidenced above. THE MIGHTY FIST OF MARIO DOES NOT SIMPLY YIELD TO BRICKS.

Also greatly improved collision. Like, you have no idea how much better the collision in this game is now for real. For example, you can hit two blocks at the SAME TIME! WHOA! REVOLUTIONARY! To be honest that does require a bit of code-fiddlin' in Game Maker and one of the biggest complaints about Super Mario Classic Original was not being able to hit blocks between two other blocks so I feel proud for fixing that! Go me!

[Image: ITRETURNS.png]
Taking a leaf out of Donkey Kong's book because Nintendo sure won't!

I know I posted a picture of this before but this one's different because now they work and they work much better than they did before! So that's pretty swell!

[Image: SwimmanandShadows.png]
Ooooh, a number of nice things!

I didn't program those shadows, a friendly fellow by the name of Miles did that, so kudos to him because seriously this game looks quite a bit nicer with 'em.

I did program dat swimman' Mario though. Swimming works like Donkey Kong Country - you can move freely and there's no gravity, get a burst of speed in any direction by hitting Jump while moving, and to jump out you just get near the surface and... jump out. You can also just tread the water if you so desire which will probably come in handy since I'll probably add an Air Meter!

It's also the first time I programmed a swimming Mario in this manner - and by that I mean he doesn't always need to be in contact with a water object. That row of nicely translucent blue blocks handles everything. So it's ten-kabillion times more efficient than the original Return. Now I just need some water tiles! Oh boy.

There's also a rudimentary score system in place as evidenced by the fact that the score isn't 14900 anymore. A simple health system is also in place complete with a Mushroom pickup restoring half of your health! The results screen has also been programmed to reflect the proper numbers - the only thing remaining now for scoring and results are the timer and ranks!
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
Thanked by: Sengir, Gaia

Messages In This Thread
RE: [FANGAME][IN-DEV] A Mario fangame! It's a fangame! With Mario! - by Zero Kirby - 05-17-2012, 10:23 PM

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