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A Mario fangame! It's a fangame! With Mario!
Wup-woh, stuff time is now

[Image: BetterCastleScreenshot.png]
My castle tiles, they are coming along quite nicely now

Ugh, making these castle tiles has been such a pain AND IT'S NOT OVER YET but what I have right now looks pretty great as it is

Also a new custom animation

[Image: Block-Hit-Animation.gif]

I dunno, just figured it'd be more interesting than "DOOP COIN DUD BLOCK NOW"

Also noticed I forgot to post stuff like... THIS

[Image: Spinning-Medal.gif]
Oh man it's one-a dem Star Coins from Super Mario 3D Land but it looks funny

[Image: fixedMedals.png]
Oh that's why

An idea I had was using these coins to initiate special challenges like the Prankster Comets in Galaxy. I'm not entirely sure I can pull something like that off but I like how these coins turned out so I'm gonna find a use for them SOMEWHERES

And I know it's missing frames but I'm not that great at spriting yet heck that Star from the coin was taken from another sprite sheet WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME AAAAAAAGH

[Image: MarioPowerups.png]

Normal, Fire, Ice, Speed (OOOOOOOOOOH HOW ORIGINAL) and Metal (not pictured). All of these were originally going to be in Super Mario Zero (and this project is pretty much self-indulgent nostalgia for every idea I couldn't pull off before) and except for Ice, based off a power from the original Return. Except they'll be better balanced and I want to make them fun to use this time around.

I also just want distinction between Fire and Ice besides "welp iceballs" so I not only made Ice Mario's overalls a lighter shade of blue...

[Image: icemariothrowBIS.png]
He also gets a different throwing animation!

Also here's another thing

[Image: MoreHelp.png]
Read that description folks

Extra Lives are kind of dumb and pointless and not really a punishment anymore so I decided that if you choose to start over from a checkpoint after dying, you lose 5000 points at the end of the level. I plan on making end-of-level ranks kind of important so this is a punishment as you won't get to see EVERYTHING unless you're good at the game.

And here's a thing that's not in the game

[Image: scrappedsuit.png]
I'm Jetpack Mario!

As you can tell, Jetpack Mario wears a Jetpack. He jetpacks places with his jetpack. Because he's Jetpack Mario and has a jetpack to jetpack to places with.

Unfortunately I couldn't make a good looking jetpack for Jetpack Mario which is a problem because Jetpack Mario needs a jetpack hence the name Jetpack Mario.

So you won't be able to jetpack to places with a jetpack as Jetpack Mario who wears a jetpack because I couldn't make a good jetpack for Jetpack Mario to jetpack with.


EDIT: One more thing

[Image: BossMeter.png]

Edited from a SPP Bowser head. I think it turned out pretty good considering my spriting abilities. Could probably be better though.
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!

Messages In This Thread
RE: [FANGAME][IN-DEV] A Mario fangame! It's a fangame! With Mario! - by Zero Kirby - 05-14-2012, 03:20 AM

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