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C+C request, sprite sheet of my persona.
I have one last thing to add.

I saw that neutral rating you gave to Metaru, when you said "I have yet to see some friendly criticism from you".

I know that this is the internet and you don't really know any of us, but we're your friends here.

There is endless potential for anyone. At any age. At any gender. You're not limited just because you're younger. Because you're getting such an early start on this, that only means you are capable of developing great skills at an even younger age than most of these guys did.

You don't know it, but they went through some very difficult and painful experiences when they were learning. They didn't get "nice" criticism. It's likely that what they received was much worse than what you get here. If they were lucky they'd probably get the Metaru-level of harshness. Compared to how you'd probably be treated on other forums, his feedback is on the kinder spectrum. TSR is pretty nice compared to other forums from what I've heard, so you should be grateful. You're lucky you ended up here, because it doesn't get that much "nicer" than this.

Also don't take any of the following as me being mean, I just need to get the point across.

I've seen dozens of people come here (probably ex-Deviants), wanting to improve on their spriting, but as soon as they get their feedback, they start whining like stupid babies and having temper tantrums going all "WAAAAAAA INTERNET BULLIES Y R U SO MEEEEEEAAAAAN I JUST WANTED SUM CRIT WHY YOU FLAMING ME YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF 8-BIT LOVING ******** LEARN 2 CRIT!!!111" and I'm sick and tired of seeing it, like everyone else. I really am.

Other negative attitudes like "I'm only *age*, I know I suck, I should just give up, you're all better than me I can't do this" are also sickening and make me want to rage, because they don't show any of your good qualities, they only show bad ones, and give people the wrong impression of you. Now we know you're willing to listen, and we know you're a good person, so quit putting yourself down, and just believe in yourself, because anyone, and I mean anyone can do it, as long as they keep at it and keep at it, and keep trying again and again and again, no matter how many times they fall down.

That shows determination. You're determined to be in TFR and become a great spriter, aren't you? Well show it. Show us you can. I got my feelings hurt on this community a few times when I first began. But with time, I learned lots of things and eventually, this board helped me grow as a person. I've matured, and I've learned not to take things personally anymore. You want to show everyone that you're strong, right? To be strong, you can't be a baby or a whiner. When you get crit. that is straight to the point and doesn't leave any excess fluff, you learn to deal with it. Because it's not personal. It's not an attack on you or your work, or your skill as an artist. It's just honest, straight, right in your face advice. You want people to know that you aren't a baby, right? Well to do that, just always remember that he's not being mean to you, simple as that. You just have to learn to read beyond the roughness like the rest of us and you'll see that even if a post seems like a useless jab at you, that it might contain something helpful and you just have to try your best to pull every bit of constructive advice from each post that you can. Becoming tougher will benefit you greatly in the world of spriting, because it can be cold and unforgiving.

Now go on and keep doing what you do. Just keep at it and be persistent, because we're with you all the way.
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: C+C request, sprite sheet of my persona. - by Garamonde - 04-12-2012, 02:20 PM

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