05-30-2008, 10:35 AM
Heh, I remember doing this exact thing a while back. Very odd challenge but apparently it's getting more popular. Then again, I play speedruns and this was a natural step at the time.
Up until you get your eevee you're pretty much in rough straights and caves are a charmander's worst nightmare. However my method for beating this was getting an Mild natured charmander with a 31 ATK and 31 SpA EVs. [I spent close to 3 days resetting to do this] Then I was insanely careful only to fight enough raticates and pidgeys to get to level 13 [I think it was around 15?, Oh, the trick here is to SKIP the first few areas until right before brock for fighting at all] I got it Metal Claw and then beat the heck out of Brock. Then, skipping as many trainers and pokemon fights as I could until I got to an area to fight bellsprout.
Well, with like 200 EVs in Speed and 200 in Atk [I lost like a few hundred to trainers in the start] I pretty much destroyed with Metal Claw, Slash and Wing Attack. I had Flamethrower for good measures and good god did it destroy. Once you get a good setup going, you've got a small dragon GOD under the hood my friend.
I finished the game with like WAY too much money though. Lol.
Up until you get your eevee you're pretty much in rough straights and caves are a charmander's worst nightmare. However my method for beating this was getting an Mild natured charmander with a 31 ATK and 31 SpA EVs. [I spent close to 3 days resetting to do this] Then I was insanely careful only to fight enough raticates and pidgeys to get to level 13 [I think it was around 15?, Oh, the trick here is to SKIP the first few areas until right before brock for fighting at all] I got it Metal Claw and then beat the heck out of Brock. Then, skipping as many trainers and pokemon fights as I could until I got to an area to fight bellsprout.
Well, with like 200 EVs in Speed and 200 in Atk [I lost like a few hundred to trainers in the start] I pretty much destroyed with Metal Claw, Slash and Wing Attack. I had Flamethrower for good measures and good god did it destroy. Once you get a good setup going, you've got a small dragon GOD under the hood my friend.
I finished the game with like WAY too much money though. Lol.