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Finally crawled out of that rock! Hi guys!
I know it seems a bit late to introduce myself, but when I first registered here, I only did so just to post my custom Blaze sheet and jump ship. =P Seems kinda silly, but that was the truth. Things are different now, though. I want to be a semi-regular part of the community, while contributing custom sheets whenever I can make them. So hello again to all of you!

Might as well say a few things about myself while I'm at it. Used to be a huge Sonic nut, (Actually, a Blaze nut; I was already tired of Sonic!) but I've moved on to Street Fighter, Tomb Raider, Mangaka art, and pretty much anything else that doesn't involve anthropomorphic critters. My choice in music is pretty soft, being mostly techno and classical. I like working on both raster and digital art, but would jump at the chance to animate stuff in either art form. Oh yeah, and I can be overly sarcastic sometimes.

Well, that's pretty much me in a nutshell! Can't wait to get to know all you guys.
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Messages In This Thread
Finally crawled out of that rock! Hi guys! - by Lilly - 02-24-2012, 02:22 AM

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