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Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
... So, I do the one I'm dreading, the main character Wyl. No biggie, right?

An hour and a half later, it's done. But I don't wanna update with only one. So who do I go for? The character you have for literally the prologue and the bonus dungeon at the end of the game. So I figure he has only a few animations, naturally.

Silly me. I forgot one of his appearances during one of the endings. Bah. Because of that, he has like the second most animations. xD

So yea, the 2 longest ones are done, lol. I kept the animations as in-tact as I could. Ancel had an awkward dying pose, due to an event during the prologue, so those are all jumbled together, (In that mini upside down pyramid.) Though, I did do some guesswork, I'm -pretty- sure a fluid animation would work if you go left to right from the top to the bottom of that small pyramid. xD (He should fall down, then get back up like someone's holding him)

[Image: WylfredIcon.png] [Image: AncelIcon.png]

I assume I change the thread to Not Uploaded once I post something new? XD

EDIT: Hrm. I just realized I don't have any of the end battle sprites or soul crush sprites. Unsure (Though to be honest, I'm 99% sure soul crushes are simply movie files) I can't seem to find any of the battle sprites though, even though I just went back over every piece of data. o_O Going to stop submitting for now, hoping I can locate the battle sprites. If not, then the best we'll get is without them, which is better than nothing. This isn't exactly the easiest game to rip, as many people will tell you. xD

EDIT: I have just triple checked every file. I must be blind, as the battle sprites are no where to be found. Unsure So, would you guys prefer I continue to submit the characters without their battle sprites? (It'd contain any story event sprite, their basic walking poses, death poses, etc, aka what I've been uploading) I pretty much give up finding the battle sprites. You'd think they'd be in the public files or battle files, but neither have them. Unsure

To be honest, at this point, I'm thinking they all might be contained in a movie file, as all the battle poses are the same, and simply repeat over and over as you attack. XD
Thanked by: Garamonde

Messages In This Thread
RE: Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume - by Myzou - 01-26-2012, 10:40 PM

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