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(PSP) Zettai Hero Project: Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman
Awesome. It's nice to see this game finally have an entry...

Anyway, I've got the half of the Dengeki characters uploaded. The 8 that I had any knowledge of prior to ZHP. The rest will have to come tomorrow because if I keep at this I'll be up all night...

Dengeki Collab
[Image: taiga_icon.png][Image: index_icon.png][Image: kichi_icon.png][Image: tohru_icon.png][Image: kino_icon.png][Image: kirino_icon.png][Image: shana_icon.png][Image: silvercrow_icon.png]
[Image: celty_icon.png][Image: dokuro_icon.png][Image: haruka_icon.png][Image: firo_icon.png][Image: boogiepop_icon.png][Image: horo_icon.png][Image: momo_icon.png][Image: yoko_icon.png]

EDIT: Now with more Dengeki. I wanted to "assemble" some of those, but attaching heads to bodies (particularly from the back when they have long hair) is hard for me, because I don't know where is the correct position. If anybody knows an easy way to do it with guaranteed accuracy, I'm all ears...

At any rate, I'll move on to the cutscene/battle sprites next, and then maybe try to see if I can find out how to get mugshots/cut-ins to appear properly. If I still have any steam left after all of that, I MAY do enemies/items, but... we'll see...

The only other map sprites left are... well... the protagonist. Who has all of his body parts seperated, and thus is beyond me. I have his walking-around-the-base sprites, which aren't many... but that's it...

Any suggestions/ideas are welcome...
Thanked by: Random Talking Bush

Messages In This Thread
RE: (PSP) Zettai Hero Project: Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman - by QCC - 07-21-2011, 03:57 AM

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