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Features You'd Like to See More in Games
Games that make you think
I love in game puzzles, personally, but only things like Mario Galaxy, where the puzzles are infused into levels. However I dont like games that are just puzzles. Proffesor Layton isnt my thing

Customisable Levels
Games with pre-set levels included are great. Especially 2D games, like Megaman Powered Up, because I think that gives you freedom, and it dosen't take too much effort. Also, uploading them to the internet to see what games other people have made

Customisable Characters
Im talking games like Monster Hunter, where there are numerous choices of armour, weapons etc. that you are given a choice of what to use.

Bosses where you have to work your butt off just to survive a minute or two, but can still be beaten after several tries

Music that sends all the blood to your head
I hate it when you are extremely pumped up for an important section of the game, a section that the game is pretty much all about, and you get music that someone made using one or two instruments, that dosen't even fit the theme of the game, and played by some Kid whos not even got his Grade 1 in that instrument. Music like that from Final Fantasy is the best

Re-play value
You know those games that make you feel great after you finish everything in the whole game? I hate that. Extended Storylines (like the end of Sonic Heroes, with Metal Overlord), levels that still feel fun after being played fifty-times, unlockable things, and not anything that says to you 'Get an A-Grade in all levels' or whatever.

So, yeah. Basically im hard to please

Messages In This Thread
RE: Features You'd Like to See More in Games - by Locked Achievement - 06-01-2010, 05:27 AM

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