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Trianglesquare (a tetris thing with triangles)
I'm still fairly new but I saw this forum and thought about posting.

Anyways, I got a game that has been in production for over a year now and it's almost finished. So I'd thought I'd ask ppl that I am not familiar with what they think about it. And here it is:

[Image: 3575.png]

Spiffy banner for my my games profile on because I haven't made a starting screen yet.

[Image: 11311.png]

This is what the game looked like October 2008 ago on it's first day. I was using Windows XP on a computer that only had 3gigs of space and 32ghz or something like that. It was slow and it made making the game hard.

[Image: 11520.PNG]

Sometime around new years the game started to evolve.

[Image: 11586.PNG]

And the game continued to evolve.

[Image: 11616.GIF]

On the same month, I came out with the demo. It got a 68% rating from two reviews.

[Image: 12092.PNG]

Then finallly, on November 2009, the "engine" was finally complete and I was ready for develop the game.

And this is what I got now:

[Image: 12138.PNG]

[Image: 12233.png]

[Image: 12234.png]

[Image: 12235.png]

[Image: 12302.png]

[Image: 12306.PNG]

[Image: 12342.PNG]

And soon it will finallly be finished. As fun as it was making it, I can't wait to get it over with.

And here are two conceptual pics.

[Image: 12202.gif]

Made this pic 2 years before I started working on this.

[Image: 12103.PNG]

Err...don't ask.


Here are some more concepts

[Image: 3575.png]

The old logo. I didn't like it due to the "Q" being too skinny.

[Image: anim01.png]

Spriting the main characters Polygona and Polygano.

[Image: background1a.png]

One of 10 backgrounds I will draw.

[Image: blueshatter1.png]

Shattering glass. I had to study some sprites I ripped earlier to find out how to draw 'em.

[Image: newshapes.png]

The games tokens.

[Image: polygona01.png]

[Image: polygona02.png]

More concepts for the characters.

[Image: shapesj.png]

This was used for coding reference. This was the most frequently used image.

[Image: shatteredglass.png]

Glass shards.

[Image: polygona04.png]

Concept for the characters of the ending sequence.

[Image: anim02.png]

Spriting the ending sequence.

[Image: workfolder.jpg]

Where all the magic came from.
"Look up in the sky, young man
and see the cloud called Hope.
Then, look beyond into space
and see the star called Happiness."
~ Author unknown ~
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Messages In This Thread
Trianglesquare (a tetris thing with triangles) - by TKGB - 03-17-2010, 04:07 PM

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