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[FANGAME][IDEA] Just some ideas I had
Idea 2: "Final Fantasy Reverse VI" (Tenative title)

Man, something with that kind of title sounds like a bad Final Fantasy / Kingdom Hearts crossover fanfiction. However, accepting that all forms of fangames with plots are essentially fanfiction, and Kingdom Hearts is already a crossover withmore than Final Fantasy, so I'll move on. xD

And no, there's no Kingdom Hearts, and the weird title would actually look something like "Final Fantasy ^' ", with the roman numeral flipped.. or should it be '^? I don't know what makes more sense.

While this is still a hobby project that I'm doing, like my ridiculous first idea, this is actually something I feel would be a decent fangame, so when I do get around to it, I am gonna put a decent amount of work into it to make it nice. So let me get this idea ball rolling...

Basic Storyline / Premise:

The game takes place in the world with the same characters from Final Fantasy VI. However, there is small differences in character design, and BIG differences in character and story development.

In this alternate universe style storytelling, the Empire already knows the secret and purpose of Magicite, and their reach is much further, many of the towns and cities from the original game already under the Empire's control.

The story essentially takes all the heroes of FFVI and puts them into different roles from what was originally established in the games. Also, none of the original characters are playable characters, at least not at the start. Instead, many of the supporting cast, villains, and side characters from the actual game have taken up playable character roles.

This particular game idea I want to do more as an actual action-RPG, with a leveling up and equipment system, hopefully, or if not actual equiping, maybe the character's equipment improves per level. That is something I still have to think about, since I plan to program the darn thing on my own.

The Playable Characters (Not in order of appearance in game):

-Replacing Terra: Maduin the Esper
Terra's Esper father would replace Terra's role as a sort of "magic soldier", combining fighting power and magical esper elements. However, he doesn't take her role as the story's main character (Despite the fact all the characters in the game really just work off each other).

-Replacing Locke: Lone Wolf the Pickpocket
Does anyone else even remember this guy? I thought he was such a cool looking character, and he barely ever did anything. But whenever he was around, I was always like "Woooooo!" Well, maybe not THAT excited. He's the new thief character, though.

-Replacing Edgar: Cid the Magitek Engineer
The holder of the Cid namesake for FFVI, Cid replaces Edgar as the tool-wielding character, some of his tools having magitek elements to them like lasers and such. Don't let his old appearance trick you, though, he probably has robot legs... well, not really.

-Replacing Shadow: Baram the Assassin
Baram replaces Shadow as the bearer of a mysterious past and ninja-like skills. Not much else to say about this guy.

-Replacing Sabin: Duncan the Master
Sabin's master Duncan is my first choice for the Martial Arts kind of character, but my second choice is Vargas, and I can't decide between the two of them. I can work with either one of them though.

-Replacing Celes: General Kefka
Wait, WHAT!? Kefka as a playable character!?... Well, yeah. In this game, he's not the villain. He's still silly, but in a sane way, because in this storyline, he doesn't undergo a Magitek Infusion that makes him go crazy.

-Replacing Cyan: Siegfried the Swordsman
That mysterious swordsman whose role was far underutilized in the original SNES game. He takes Cyan's place as the sword master of the group.

-Replacing Gau: Ultros the Octopus
The wise-cracking, immature eight-tentacled monster. He doesn't have a rage system, but he'll have another system of monster attacks.

-Replacing Setzer: Darill the Daredevil
Setzer's potential squeeze whose actions cost her own life in the original game. She serves as the owner of the game's airship.

-Replacing Strago: Rachel the Deceased
I had a weird time coming up with a good replacement for Strago as the "blue mage" kind of character, but then I decided to add in a storyline where Rachel is revived through the means of the Phoenix Esper, and what results is she gains the ability to preserve Esper powers in her body after meeting them. So she kinda becomes a blue mage-summoner kind of character.. sort of.

-Replacing Relm: Maria the Singer
Another type of artist to replace the Painter... the only trouble is I haven't decided on what kind of gameplay to use for her yet.

-Replacing Mog: Kappa
The Imp status of the original game, now as a character who does stuff... yeah. xD

-Replacing Umaro: Yura the Esper
This fella looked very Umaro like... I couldn't think of any other bizarre side character to serve as the enstranged muscle of the group. So... yeah

-Replacing Gogo: Mystery Character
This I actually would want to keep a secret... it's not even THAT clever, but... Cute

So those are all the characters who are replacing the old ones... but what roles would the original characters play?

Terra essentially serves the purpose that she served in the beginning of the original game, as an enslaved half-Esper. However, she doesn't get the crown destroyed in Narshe, and throughout the game she serves as a primary antagonist, piloting the various Empire machines that were seen in the first game, like Magitek armor, Tunnel Armor, etc. She also would serve as a pivotal plot point later in the game.

Locke was a traitor to his country who sold secrets to the Empire for money and diplomatic immunity. Early on, when Rachel found out about it, he arranged to have her killed by means of an "accident".

Edgar's nation is not just engaged in a truce, but a full-blown alliance, and his castle is the center-stage for the Magitek facility. He's still just as womanizing, just without a desire for good.

Sabin forsakes his master and goes to the Empire to be a bodyguard for General Celes.

Shadow currently seems to be in the employ of the empire as a highly skilled assassin, but his loyalty and true intentions are unknown.

Celes remains a loyal General to the Empire, and has a much colder personality compared to the original game. She is second only to the Emperor in terms of rank.

Cyan betrays Doma before the events of the game for a position as a Captain, and through his skills he ascends to the rank of General. He is not nearly as kind and level-headed as in the original game, although he does put on a front for being a proper General. As soon as his blood boils, though, he goes on a berserk rampage and wildly kills his enemies.

-Gau, Mog and Umaro
All three of these characters are different experiments within the Empire's laboratories, and are met during different stages of the game.

Strago is yet another servant of the Empire, but not because he wishes to. He performs his duties extracting Magicite believing that his granddaughter Relm is held hostage.

Relm isn't actually being held hostage, but instead living lavishly in the Empire as a noble, of sorts. This is in exchange for helping keep her grandfather in check.

I have yet to fully decide his purpose in the game.

Leo still serves as a kind individual who has his own outlook on the war.

So that's just a teaser of what I have going on in my head so far... it's a weird idea, I know, but I just wanted to have it written down and I was hoping for some feedback. Anyway, toodles for now.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 11-17-2009, 08:27 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 11-30-2009, 12:42 AM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by Vipershark - 11-30-2009, 02:02 AM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by HunterZ - 11-30-2009, 02:46 AM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 11-30-2009, 01:00 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by Adam - 11-30-2009, 09:39 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 12-04-2009, 04:10 AM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 12-10-2009, 12:32 AM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 02-16-2010, 04:15 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 04-26-2010, 12:49 AM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by Koopaul - 04-29-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by TomGuycott - 04-29-2010, 02:21 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by Koopaul - 04-29-2010, 07:39 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by triptych - 04-30-2010, 05:55 AM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by Koopaul - 05-04-2010, 08:10 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by gabrielwoj - 04-30-2010, 03:13 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by nickmp - 05-04-2010, 06:38 PM
RE: Just some ideas I had - by HyperSonic92 - 05-05-2010, 09:37 AM

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