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Post here and I'll tell you which DC character you are
The Question is Dream the Sandman
[Image: sanman.png]
The Sandman, lord of the dream realm, is an infinitly old god that's perspective on life changed after being imprisoned for 70 years.
His rashness was ended, and he became very fair and just, as he rebuilded his dream kingdom.

I think of you as the sandman because you seem to avoid conflict and are very level headed and creative much like dream becomes.

Sol is Static Shock
[Image: staticd.png]
Vergil Harkins, a normal teen from Dokata city becomes a powerful metahuman called a boom baby, after ding caught in a chemical explostion. He has power over electricity. Despite his power he stays calm and cool and lives his every day life, unless he is needed to save the city.

I think of you a static because you always come off cool to me : )

also the bigger the better for the images
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Post here and I'll tell you which DC character you are - by Zac - 08-07-2009, 12:18 AM

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