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what can be improved on the next Super Smash Bros

oh man, they should make cool little character exclusive minigames too. Like, for Mario or Link, you'll be doing those cool Dungeon Crawling/Platforming stuff like in Melee Adventure mode.

Then you play as Fox/Falco, you're shooting up bad guys in a space shooter like section. Only, you'll be flying through Nintendo Sci Fi levels like Pikmin and Metroid. Capt. Falcon (or Goroh if he's in) could have something like a racing game. Marth and Ike could have this stratagy thing going on where you'd move around a map, and then when you get into a battle, you fight on like a Final Destinationish platform.

For DK and Diddy, you'd get this nice little Donkey Konga esque minigame. Maybe with Yoshi they could do this thing where you got to protect the Super Happy Tree from the giant Baby Bowser like in Yoshi's Island or something. Wario would have a full set of Microgames relating to Smash Characters and jokes and stuff. Like, you'll have five seconds to press counter or something. Sorta like 9-Volt's minigames in Wario Ware Inc but not really.

Samus would have to escape Brinstar, but ZSS would be like that too, but it'd be harder because you'd be more vunerable or something. I dunno. All these minigames will have to be wild and wacky and give off a ton of fanservice. Yet, still be extras. Not Mario Party 9 Feat. Solid Snake.

and then you give the roster Little Mac and Saki and Samurai Goroh or Deoxys or something cool. I'd like to say add Ryu from Street Fighter but I know Tyvon would rage because Smash isn't a real fighter. But Ryu would have the best minigame of them all. He'd just punch a car a lot and it would be /awesome/.

Add cool stages like Shadow Mosus Island only not caved in, Green Hill Zone with Bridge Zone music and not always falling apart on you, an actually good version of Mute City. Annnnd a couple of Kirby Stages (Halberd would return of course). and don't ever EVER give us something like 75m ever again. I can stand Mario Bros. But god damn it 75m could've been an actually good DK stage, with actual rareway covers and shit.

Also, this might seem stupid, but add Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon to the next Smash. Fuck, the music from that game was amazing.

Rhythm Heaven stage, of course.

Also, those cool little bonuses they had in both N64 and Melee were kinda cool. Made Classic Mode more fun. I mean as much as I like to hear "Metal Zero Suit Samus" or "Giant Ice Climbers" like, it was cool with all the little bonuses you'd tally up. Like "Yoshi Rainbow" or "Really Cool Friend" or "Fighters Stance!!!" I don't know why they were removed either. Because the Masterpieces section eh? eh?

and tripping is lame, but I think Banana Peel should still be able to trip people.

Man remember when Koopaul was pissed because the Banana Peel didn't have the DK emblem on it? Hahaha man the Dojo is the best site ever.

oh, and before someone says remove Fludd from Mario, god damn it it might be situational, but the Fludd can still do shit. I was once playing against this chick I know, and she was throwing turnips and I was all "bukake" and I soaked her and then I was all "F-Smash" and I won. Thanks, Fludd.

Mario is a cool character. Don't give a fuck about Tier Lists. They can cape my ass.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: what can be improved on the next Super Smash Bros - by Ark Kuvis - 04-25-2009, 09:51 PM

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