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RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Kosheh - 12-06-2014

(12-06-2014, 01:38 PM)Kriven Wrote: Interviews make it sound like Aonuma wants the franchise to be more sandbox, and I've never liked sandbox as a core aspect of a game.

Grand Theft Highrule Hyrule would be amazing

...but then again, that'd just be literally Skyrim, wouldn't it. >_>

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Mystie - 12-06-2014

All I hear in this thread is just bitch bitch bitch, whine whine whine.

Sure, it may be open-world, but just because it's open-world doesn't mean it's not a Zelda game.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - TomGuycott - 12-06-2014

It's definitely more in line with the original Legend of Zelda, where you had to seek out major landmarks rather than being told where to go or which were available to you.

Although it seems like a lot of empty space, keep in mind they aren't really looking around TOO thoroughly. Deeper inspection will probably lead to various secrets. With a big world there's more room for that than ever.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Kriven - 12-06-2014

You all seem to think I'm worried about secrets and mini-dungeons and items, when really I'm talking about discernable environments.

[Image: Twin_Islands.png]

This is a specific area in Majora's Mask. There isn't anything too important in it. Some slopes, some hills, some snow, some bridges. But it's the only area in the game that looks like this. It's the only area literally overrun with Wolfos. The environments for Zelda U make it look like you're going to be seeing a lot of the same stuff repeatedly, less like the areas are going to have their own unique character.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Gwen - 12-06-2014

You're saying all of this based on seeing a tiny portion of the map, and on top of that, it was very obviously in very early/rough stages.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Kriven - 12-06-2014

I don't know how it's relevant that there was only a small amount of map shown. My impression that the game will feel more barren is just as valid as anybody else's impression that the game will feature memorable environments. We've all only seen the same bit of the map, and we've come away with different impressions extrapolating on that, on what Aonuma has said, and what recent entries have looked like.

That doesn't make my impression less valid.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Gwen - 12-06-2014

It's relevant because you're making HUGE assumptions based on seeing a very very tiny portion of an unfinished product. We've seen the same bit of map because that's probably what has the most done so far.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Kriven - 12-06-2014

I wasn't saying "we've seen the same location" when I said "same bit of map", I was saying: "You all only saw the same thing I saw."

HUGE assumptions like "This game will be awesome"?

My HUGE assumption is literally "This is what they've shown us, this is what I have to go on." I can't logically fill in more of the game until they show us more of the game, so right now the game is grass indefinitely.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Gwen - 12-06-2014

Where have I said this game will be awesome? I'm excited for it, but I'm definitely not deciding this will be the best game ever until I actually play it. And how is deciding the game is grass infinitely since you don't have anything else to go on(seeing as this game is still ya know.. a ways out from even being finished) any different from making the huge assumption "This game will be/is awesome!!!!"

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Kriven - 12-06-2014

I never said you did, but I'm wondering why those who have aren't being dogged about it.

Interestingly, those same people also brought up concerns about the area being somewhat empty.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Gwen - 12-06-2014

Where I draw a distinction between "This game will be awesome assumptions" and yours is that this series has a reputation for putting out great-amazing games, so even if one's assuming the game's going to be awesome based on what little we've seen, they at least have the tenure of the series, and the outstanding quality of it to draw upon. Where as you're assuming something based on what's obviously incomplete assets that they just want to show off to give us something to get excited about.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Kriven - 12-06-2014

I'm also drawing from Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, which were both the opposite of "amazing" games in my opinion. Likewise with drawing from the game which Aonuma has stated to be pulling influence from. I have mentioned this upthread.

Your distinction is entirely subjective. Thank you for actually stating, though, "My decision to dog you and your opinions is that they do not align with mine and the majority's."

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Gwen - 12-06-2014

Like I said, great --- amazing. TP and SS weren't the series best, but they were far from the worst and were very very enjoyable games at least imo.
Also, come on man, I'm not personally attacking you. I just find it silly to say the game is going to be indefinitely grass and empty based on a rough as fuck few minutes long video that was meant to keep the excitement alive, as opposed to people being excited for a game from a series which has a strong reputation for being a great series.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - Shade - 12-06-2014

Hey, there's a new Zelda game coming out! For the Wii U! Cool beans graphical upgrades! Waypoints and siq ayer combat! Horses with horsey sense!

That video didn't really give me a "Zelda" feel though, unfortunately. I felt like I was watching Link ride through the world of ES: Oblivion, which kind of killed my hype train. I do hope they plan on adding (or already have added) some environment variation to the world, to make it feel alive and unique. They have plenty of time to do that, though. I trust you Nintendo.

RE: The Legend of Zelda U - Epona has tree support! - recme - 12-06-2014

ANYWAYS, who cares about what other people think. kriven thinks it might be shit, everyone thinks it will be the shit. i personally dont care what kriven thinks since ill probably enjoy the game while he groans or whatever. even if this game looks quite empty at the moment, itll probably be filled to the brim with content and whatnot. i mean, just because its empty at this time doesnt mean there wont be stuff to do. developers are still working on the damn game, so of course it will be empty at this time. the only thing i hope is that post-game stuff is available so that the game makes you come back to it with stuff to do.