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Cam's Sprite Thread II: The Long Awaited Family Comedy of the Summer
Tonda gossa, tSR/VGR. I'm Cam. Some of you may remember me, some of you may not. I showed up on here a few years ago and instantly fucked shit up. I made a sprite thread then to show stuff off. It was terrible then and it's terrible now. So anyways, new thread.

I need some help and criticism regarding my sprites in general. Over the past few years I've really slowed down when it comes to spriting and I'm definitely starting to rust up. Rarely can I even get a single animation out and I'm still not the best at shading. So this might sound kinda pointless or over the top, but I'm just gonna post some stuff in here that I actually did do recently and hope that you guys can point out the issues so I can improve and really get back into the swing of things. I can't really point out one thing in particular and say "there's something wrong with this", because I feel like it applies to most of what I've done recently.

So here goes nothing.
[Image: fb956b8c95.PNG]
This clusterfuck of stuff is generally what I've done over... months, really. I've made a few edits in between but as far as customs go, I've been bone dry. This stuff varies in age.

The thing is, I'm just really confused as to whether any of this is really any good or if it isn't, and if it isn't, what work does it need? If the wizard's terrible walk frames aren't really a clue, like I said, I can't animate. And it's so freaking frustrating when I have an idea in mind that I can't really shape out.
I dunno I think the old wizard is super cute lol
though it's kinda hard to tell what the problems with his walking animation without seeing it actually animated

the other things don't really seem particularly bad to me either
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[Image: ea0a037aa5.gif]
Here's the wizard waddling around.
I understand NESish RPG's didn't exactly have the most cutting edge walk animations but to be honest I would never be able to muster anything better than this even if I weren't trying to crap out like I was here.
[Image: 3a762512ee.gif]
[Image: 8cdcf37d0d.gif]
Here's some other stuff animated. I kinda have a 16x16 comfort zone that I find it hard to break out of.
The yo-yos (which are what the orby things are supposed to be) are for a potential Dynamite Headdy-esque platformer where you toss different yo-yos of varying speed and power as your main weapon. The spools are powerups, white being standard (more of a powerdown, I guess), green being a longer reach, and red being a faster throw (originally a shorter reach, so the white standard string would be a powerup in case you accidentally picked up the red spool).

The wrecking ball yo-yo would shatter weak walls but generally throw slower than the others, the dippy egg yo-yo would be the Yo-Yolk, temporarily freezing or slowing down anything it hits in a thick globby coating of yolk (with a much faster throw speed), the fireball thing would be the Meteo-Yo, which would do fire damage and leave a lava splash behind (to further burn enemies, standard speed), and the sawblade, or Saw Slasher, would throw normal speed but pause at the end of its reach to tear through whatever it sinks into, causing a sort of mock combo damage as opposed to the other yo-yos just kinda hitting their target once and drawing back.

Then I realized it was kind of a weird idea in general and I had no clue what to do with it other than "YO-YOS: THE VIDEO GAME" so I sprited a little Mr. Gimmick/Yumetaro in case I ever just drop the yo-yo idea and consider a GBA-style Mr. Gimmick fangame or something. Maybe "Super Gimmick" or "Gimmick Advance". That way the yo-yos could return as items for Yumetaro to throw, which explains the glass containers holding all the yo-yos.

[Image: b2fe3f1698.gif]
The little jetpack dude was my old reference character and it was for a SHMUP joke game spinoff that never happened.

[Image: tumblr_n0c85wby5M1rcgzuho2_100.gif]
A beat-'em-up style continue effect, for letting you know there's more to the level than where you're currently loafing around.

[Image: tumblr_myzscxd4Lh1rcgzuho1_250.gif][Image: 6fd5b97327.gif]
"Wario and his son."

[Image: ba15138967.gif]

This is more stuff I haven't posted yet. It's kinda old. Some of it, at least.
The last sprite was for a now defunct game and it's probably the only half decent animation I've ever done.

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