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You're blowing my mind with your speed.
Davias: I had a feeling that some of the names were wrong. I was basing the names off of a guide from gamefaqs, so besides the names that I found in the game I had to go with the names from the guide. Anyways, here's the updated icons:

[Image: stonefishicon-1.png][Image: basketballrabbiticon-1.png][Image: spiderbatghosticon-1.png]

Tonberry: Thanks, unfortunately my updates are going to slow down to the normal pace as of now, but I'll still try to get a decent amount of rips each week.
Secret Bazaar added 1/2:

[Image: secretbazaaricon.png]

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 3

Just a quick sheet I should've had up a long time ago. Along with the three games I'm working on right now I'm going to work on some of the games I ripped from a while ago to finish off the last few sheets.
Cyborca and Hotcha Springs Enemies added 1/3:

[Image: cyborcaicon.png]

Wario: Master of Disguise

[Image: hotchaspringsenemiesicon.png]

The Legendary Starfy

Last day of winter break, I'll still be sure to update daily though.
[Image: tracememoryicon.png]
Trace Memory (DS)

Items added 1/5:

[Image: itemsicon.png]
Bill added 1/7:

[Image: billicon.png]

Trace Memory

For some reason there was a gap in the sprites where the dialogue appears when they are talking, but the dialogue frame covers a bit of the sprites.
Megaman and Viking Fish added 1/10:

[Image: megamanicon.png]
Megaman's Soccer

[Image: boss10icon.png]
Legend of Stafy 2

Also, these sheets are already on the site and can be removed, the other sheets are more updated:
Cut Field added 1/11:

[Image: cutfieldicon.png]

Mega Man Soccer
Pet Chameleon and Woodman added 1/14:

[Image: petchameleonicon.png]
Warioware Touched! (toy)

[Image: woodmanicon.png]
Megaman Soccer
Cutman added 11/15:

[Image: cutmanicon.png]
Megaman Soccer
Enker, Enker Field and They Hunger added 1/17:

[Image: enkericon.png][Image: enkerfieldicon.png]
Megaman Soccer

[Image: theyhungericon.png]
Warioware Touched!
Not to be a nuisance, but were you going to get around to Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel's boss sprites soon? I've been looking forward to them for a while.
(01-17-2011, 09:54 PM)Carpaccio Wrote: [ -> ]Not to be a nuisance, but were you going to get around to Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel's boss sprites soon? I've been looking forward to them for a while.

Gaah, I'm sorry I forgot to get back to finishing the sheet for such a long time, but truthfully I kept forgetting about it. Anyways, it's finished, but a few of the sprites are cut off on the side because of the fact that the boss stays on the edge of the screen during the boss battle. I apologize that it took so long to rip the sheet.

Bosses and Zero update added 1/18:

[Image: Bossesicon.png][Image: zeroamy_icon.png]

The Zero sheet was just missing some frames that I forgot, but it can replace the one that is currently on the site.
Woohoo! Awesome. Too bad those ones are cut off...don't you wish there was something like vSNES for Genesis?

I was curious if you'd top off the series with the Aero The Acro-Bat 2 bosses? Then you'll have the whole series under your belt.
I wonder if there is a way to get the cut off sprites. Anyway those are pretty good rips.

(01-19-2011, 08:35 AM)Carpaccio Wrote: [ -> ]Woohoo! Awesome. Too bad those ones are cut off...don't you wish there was something like vSNES for Genesis?

He rips from the SNES version, IIRC. The closest thing to vSNES for the Genesis is GSavestate which along with GensKMod (doesn't work for every game) and TileMolester are pretty much the things that you need to rip Genesis games. Oh and a decompression tool but only some games use a known compression, the rest are unknown which is very annoying as it limits choice on what you can do. Also a mapping tool and knowledge of disassembly would make wonders.