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Try a different browser maybe? Also, are you running Adblock? It has been known to occasionally break things that it shouldn't here.
I don't have Adblock, so that's not it.
I use Internet Explorer but I have google chrome, just never used it.
I'll try on the iPad right now, using Google here.

EDIT: Works. Google works.
Must be a bug with IE.
The forum as a whole has a number of issues in IE. Never use IE.
I've Noticed that too.
Google works like a charm.
Even weirder is the fact that on IE i couldn't change it for like two months now.
That long.
Not an error per say, but I had a really hard time logging back on to here with that recent change made. Had to delete all my cookies.
There was an issue with the database that caused that. Petie will have an explanation post up soon.
Full explanation coming tomorrow but for now, just clear your cookies.
The mobile login isn't working. When I try to log in on my phone, it just takes me to the "single sign-in" page like it does on desktop, only instead of confirming I logged in, it asks me to log in again. If I do, I'm taken to the same exact page over and over and over. Didn't the old login method work for all the sites at once already? Why do we need this single sign-in thing? The only difference I see is that it's made mobile logins impossible, even when I tell my phone to load the desktop version of the site, SSI somehow gets around that.
Clear your cookies on your phone...
I tried that. It just keeps taking me to the same page over and over again.
Then it didn't work. Cookies are absolutely your problem right now. Nothing else has changed. What device are you using?
I added new icons for a model, but only the large icon went through, while the small icon still kept the original one.

Without sending a revision request again, here is the model whose small icon I need replaced:

And here is the new small icon:
(11-26-2014, 09:51 PM)Mystie Wrote: [ -> ]I added new icons for a model, but only the large icon went through, while the small icon still kept the original one.

Without sending a revision request again, here is the model whose small icon I need replaced:

And here is the new small icon:
Huh, looks like it's changed over to the new one for me. Try refreshing the page again.
Ah, you're right. It just took some time to register. Thanks.
I've been doing revisions of the JSRF models, and I was going to update Yoyo's small icon to make it in line with the other updated small icons (close-up of his head and shoulders, rather than a near full body view), but every time I try to revise the submission, it gives me an error.

Here is the new small icon:

And here is the model: