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i was thinking of getting a used wii-U originally....
but i'm actually starting to wonder if it would be better to get a switch once things calm down in the market and some ppl start selling theirs back...
cuz like...bomberman? puyo puyo tetris?? mario kart 8 Deluxe??? FUCKING DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 MIGHT BE PORTED???!
it's makin me pretty giddy just thinking of owning a switch, which i never thought would happen until recently. lol
Yeah, if I were in your position I would wait a year, maybe two before deciding on a Wii U. See how many of the exclusives end up ported to Switch.
Don't lose more than 150€ on a Wii U...
(05-02-2017, 08:31 PM)Kriven Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, if I were in your position I would wait a year, maybe two before deciding on a Wii U. See how many of the exclusives end up ported to Switch.

Basically this

unless you're a grubby pirate who isn't gonna play things online ever then otherwise it might have potential.
but wait until it's wii or (original) xbox prices to buy a wii u, lol
Unless you love online... just get the cheaper Wii U versions...
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