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Full Version: Metroid from Mario - "Mariotroid"
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I said I wasn't going to do it, but just for you, here's a slight improvement in colors.

[Image: metroidmariolj7.png]

Oh, and I just remembered to say what I made the mushroom-lookin' ship out of. I based it on mushroom houses I found way back then here on The Spriters Resource, by Omega. Edited the first post with links to these resources.
These are great, but they won't be accepted.Besides,wouldn't they have to make a "Mariotroid" section?Question
Where could I find the game?Question
(11-09-2008, 05:06 PM)hammerheadspriter45 Wrote: [ -> ]Where could I find the game?Question
If you're referring to the Asteroids clone, it's in the Games menu of Project Metroid on the Planet Zebeth site. The name is Meteroids. There are a couple old videos of it on YouTube, too. (They show the pre-release version, which at least lacks a background and my sprites.)
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