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Full Version: Spoil Without Context
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Pages: 1 2
1. Travel Japan

2. Fight in Giant Robot

3. Saved Japan.
1. Fight the baby
2. Fight the baby from the future who is now an adult
3. Save another baby
4. Turns out the whole time you were helped by the baby that you saved but from the future
1.It was a dried up mushroom

2.Your partner ate the carrots

3.Tim curry was the real brains behind the schism the whole time.
you turn into a door

save cute witch and world

hello? this is Adachi. you fucked up

edit: oops these are all separate endings
You go on an adventure.

You suffer a lot of dejavu.

You were helping the bad guy the whole time.

You're the dudest bro that ever dude bro'd.

You are stuck on an island.

All your friends are bad friends.

You take things to extremes way too easily.
Pages: 1 2