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Full Version: redblueyellow's Nintendo rips
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Good job! I'm loving those rips!
That update was very Shroomy.
Lol i agree nice job
Grated Yammonster and Sir Passion added 8/11:

[Image: gratedyammonstericon.png][Image: sirpassionicon.png]

I'm really sorry about the small update but I won't be able to rip as often because of school (I'll still try and update daily).
Feraligtor soon and seedot?
so, not as often, but you'll still rip?

Ok with me.
Clamperl, Huntail and Gorebyss added 8/12:

[Image: clampearlhuntailandgorbyessicon.png]
Wow, dude. I've been gone a while. I mean I ripped a few sheets here and there, maybe around 20, but you are truly the king.
Great job, redblueyellow! I hope I gave you some sort of extra inspiration or something. I can't rip anymore because I lost my previous resources, but it's great to see you're still raring to go. Keep it up! You are a legend. (To me, at least.)
(08-12-2008, 11:22 AM)Naokohiro Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, dude. I've been gone a while. I mean I ripped a few sheets here and there, maybe around 20, but you are truly the king.
Great job, redblueyellow! I hope I gave you some sort of extra inspiration or something. I can't rip anymore because I lost my previous resources, but it's great to see you're still raring to go. Keep it up! You are a legend. (To me, at least.)

I agree completely! Big Grin
(08-12-2008, 11:22 AM)Naokohiro Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, dude. I've been gone a while. I mean I ripped a few sheets here and there, maybe around 20, but you are truly the king.
Great job, redblueyellow! I hope I gave you some sort of extra inspiration or something. I can't rip anymore because I lost my previous resources, but it's great to see you're still raring to go. Keep it up! You are a legend. (To me, at least.)

Wow, thanks! Big Grin I was really hoping that you were going to come back and continue to rip because you were pretty much the main person that ripped PMD2 (You gave me a lot of inspiration to keep ripping Smile).

Also, Batteryman, Parental Kangashark, Reconstructed Lion and Haphazard added 8/13:

[Image: batterymanicon.png][Image: parentalkangasharkicon.png][Image: reconstructedlionicon.png][Image: haphazardicon.png]
Absolutely amazing job, nice one!
Sunkern and Sunflora added 8/14:

[Image: sunkernandsunfloraicon.png]
Awesome Heart
You seem to miss some footprints (like Porygon and Shiftry).
And at a Male character, the Pink outline is supposed to be blue.