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Hello TVGR, this thread is simply out of curiosity. How many of us from the Pixeltendo days are still here? I know Viper Shark, Dazz, Pz and Kosheh are here. While I know quite a few are long gone. But how many of the long time members are well, still long time members?
Keeavin showed up just recently. Since he's been ripping sprites even before this site existed, I bet that counts, right?
(11-17-2014, 11:24 AM)E-Man Wrote: [ -> ]Keeavin showed up just recently. Since he's been ripping sprites even before this site existed, I bet that counts, right?
I don't think he was on PT, though.
(11-17-2014, 10:53 AM)Marth Wrote: [ -> ]Hello TVGR, this thread is simply out of curiosity. How many of us from the Pixeltendo days are still here? I know Viper Shark, Dazz, Pz and Kosheh are here. While I know quite a few are long gone. But how many of the long time members are well, still long time members?

sometimes i used to pretend that VGR was PT and all my friends never left

unfortunately, it seems that ship has long sailed (with all my old friends on it too)


(okay okay i mean ive got new friends too but if i could have old + new friends that'd be like a superb friend parfait)
I've actually used the TSR forums on and off for about 10 years, back when Bacon ran the site.

So yeah hi.
Hi, I'm Omega and I've been around since the days of shinies being used as currency, Teh pixel and warpstar sprite comics were the height of comedy, and Kid radd was still on-going.

who remembers the 2006 nostalgia thread
This is actually a decent number, especially if you consider that mods and people like Koopaul haven't even posted yet
Toad Carter
Here's something I made in the year of our lord 2006 for the old love thread, I think only two I don't remember in it lol Sad

[Image: pixeltendo_love_by_jazzmanz-d5zd2u2.png]
I lurked PT on and off, posting a few times but never majorly. That whole M&LUnsureSS fascination was an interesting era.
If it means anything, I sorta miss TSR from 5 years+ ago. Some thing about the hilarious shitposting, endless members, and overwheming activity of Sprite Discussion was nostalgic.

I've been using the main site for as long as I could type though.
Back in those days, I was masterofthewii.

Lets just say I was being a complete child back then and after a lot of shit that happened in 2007-2008 I decided to try again with a new start as Diogalesu when TSR made the move to have an independent forum, I grew the hell up after that.
(11-17-2014, 06:38 PM)Iceman404 Wrote: [ -> ]If it means anything, I sorta miss TSR from 5 years+ ago. Some thing about the hilarious shitposting, endless members, and overwheming activity of Sprite Discussion was nostalgic.

I've been using the main site for as long as I could type though.

2009 was a good year. perfect vintage. pip pip.

now we live in a 2014 pixel siberia where everyone fellates rareware and holds hands
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