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This one can be deleted, the other one has additional stuff on it.
Oh, Cavery says right in the comments for that sheet to delete it, guess I should read. @__@

I'm trying to upload a sheet, but it just keeps loading forever then ends on a blank page (it doesn't even returns a error).
I'll need a few more details. To begin with, what kind of file are you trying to upload and how large is it?
50kb png
Well, that's definitely not it then. Is it just that file or can you not upload anything at all?
It had uploaded the game icon, but it just never uploads the sheet.

Maybe this is just my connection messing up with me, or it has something to do with Adblock.
AdBlock has been known to interfere with many of the site's functions. If you haven't done so already, try whitelisting us and give it another shot. If you have, and it's still not working, it warrants looking into a bit more.
Still nothing, and I could upload the file to Imgur just fine.

EDIT: Now it returned a error:

"Sorry, that game has already been rejected. Go back, check your PMs, and submit again if this was done in error."
What game are you attempting to submit to?
Turbografx16 > Mugen Senshi Valis
I see that game as currently active. Are you trying to submit from a form you left open in the browser and if so, have you tried leaving the page and then navigating back to it manually?
Double posting for visibility.

I figured out what was wrong. I was checking for a certain value incorrectly on both approved and pending games and that was causing all submissions to fail. Sorry about that! It's fixed now though so give it a shot and let me know if I missed anything!
Managed to upload it now.
A few little errors I've found on certain sprites and models:
Her last name is Manson, not Mason. (I should know this because Danny Phantom is one of my all-time favorite cartoons, and Sam is my favorite character in it)
The "unused" animation set actually is used.
This comes from Dream Champ Tournament, not Empire of Dreams.