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had one spare buck on my paypal, so lets give it a try.
just bought for 2$ :-)
(05-11-2010, 02:57 AM)icarly viewer Wrote: [ -> ]just bought for 2$ :-)

You are helping the poor children and game developers get a warm home.
i like lugaru best though i spent a lot of time on that survival horror game

lugura is hard for me though, i dont know how to block/how they black me all the time or how to vary my attacks but just running around in that game is fun enough
Offer ends tonight, but I'll still be dishing out links for as long as I have 'em!

BTW, I still have three copies left. If you miss the deal, and don't feel like paying 85 bucks for all the games, the gift codes don't expire. I'll give it to you for the low price of free if you send a PM my way requesting.
Well, the offer is now over, but I still have 3 more codes that never expire. The deal would now normally cost $85, so if you want it for the low price of free, just send a PM my way.

EDIT: 2 just came and went. One more code left!
There's a second Humble Indie Bundle one right now. In case you didn't already know about the first one the Indie Bundle is a pay-what-you-want, for charity, bundle of indie games. You can choose to pay however much you want and where you want how much of your money to go (the games makers, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Child's Play, or to the Humble Indie Bundle people themselves).
This one includes:
- Braid
- Cortex Command
- Machinarium
- Osmos
and - Revenge of the Titans
My friend gifted me this today Big Grin
I have like

3 copies of braid already
and I've never hard of the other ones
P.S. if you got the first one you can connect the games from it to your steam account now. Smile
Fuck yeah. If I can add some money to my account, I'll be gifting these to those too lazy to donate. Already bought one for myself.
(12-14-2010, 09:58 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]I have like

3 copies of braid already
and I've never hard of the other oens

Machinarium and Cortex command are REAAAALLY good.
im willing to buy it for a few people since its pay what you want and its christmas so drop me a pm if i dont hate you.
what shawn said
Damn, wish I had thought of that. Oh well, feel free to pm me for one (if I know who you are at all) as well. Tongue
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