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Doesn't that happen with all bundles? The only other bundle I have is HIB V but that also did it like that.

Personally I don't find it that bad since I don't buy many games on Steam anyway (and don't own any of the games already), but I can understand that it would be annoying.
bought solely for machinarium
I'd probably want this mostly for Waking Mars and Splice, they're the two most intriguing. Machinarium looks OK but I'm not really a point and click person (I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying S&S, to be honest).
I've never heard of walking mars or splice and have like three trillion copies of the other games so I'm passing on this one

I'm not really a fan of these sort of games so even if I could I wouldn't get this bundle. Still, if I'm not mistaken these are pretty costly games otherwise, so this bundle is still very cool cost-wise.

By the way: all the games are Windows-only and require Steam, which in turn means you need to pay at least $1.
If you can get Metro 2033 for 1 dollar,

you fucking get Metro 2033.
I already have all of these games aside from Red Faction: Armageddon, but isn't that game completely awful?
Yeah bought that without even thinking about it.
Just need to get a better graphics card and some other shit to actually run those games competently :B
Free Key if anybody wants my Saints Row
If nobody else wants it, I'll take it. I already own it on PS3, so I'd rather someone who doesn't have the game uses it, but it'd be cool to have the PC version just for mods.
I think somebody used it already
here's a random anomaly warzone earth key that might still be available?
Just so y'know it doesn't work, I tried it out. From what I've seen it looks like a good game though so I'll probably see if I can just buy it myself sometime.
The Humble Bundle with Android 5!

This time round we've got Beat Hazard Ultra, Dynamite Jack, Solar 2, and NightSky HD. Above-the-average games are Super Hexagon and Dungeon Defenders (+ all DLC). Of course you also get the soundtracks of each game too, except for Dynamite Jack.

I might get this if I'm lucky. NightSky's been on my wishlist since the last time it was in a Bundle, and I've heard good things about Super Hexagon (isn't it by Terry Cavanagh?). Beat Hazard looks great, not enough for me to buy it individually but I mean it'd be cool to have. Dungeon Defenders looks interesting, and from what I know it's fairly popular. Never heard of Solar 2 or Dynamite Jack, but they look awesome nonetheless.

I'm not sure if more games will be introduced but I wouldn't be surprised.
Anyone want a free Nightsky steam key?
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