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Preservation thread
So my Dad might delete these soon, so I am posting them here so they are not lost.
[Image: 1zbuzys.png]
They are a WIP, C+C is appreciated, but I may not be able to do anything to them for a while, and they are not finished anyhow.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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Not to be "that guy" (puns intended but seriously), you could always get your own imgur account, or something like it, and upload all your sheets that way...i'm assuming you had to, just to post that sheet online.

I do like the palette, the contrast seems alright, those little rock specks seem kinda sloppy however, way too many bunched together, but that's without seeing deeper tile layers of the soil to know how condensed you're wanting them.

PS: you misspelled "Preservation" amigo, you can edit the OP to fix that. (I misread it as Penetration thread...)
Thanked by: Zadaben, Kami, Garamonde, recme
(08-28-2012, 07:20 PM)Guy Wrote: PS: you misspelled "Preservation" amigo, you can edit the OP to fix that. (I misread it as Penetration thread...)
...Then why did you click on it?

Anyway yeah, Guy's C+C is about right. You might want to space the rocks out so it's only like 2-3 per tile, and then increase the amount further down.

I like how the grass looks, but it appears like it's being blown a bit to the side. Which might be intentional, I dunno. The lighter curve of brown gives it kind of a cartoony feel, which I assume is the point.
Thanked by: Zadaben, Guy
Alright, fixed the spelling. Smile
[Image: 6qh1rq.png]
I tried to space out the rocks, and also attempted to address Keiang's statement about how cartoony it looks, I want it to be a bit cartoony, but not completely. Is the lower option with the speckled pattern a bit less cartoonish?
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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So I decided to keep the cartooney styled tiles because the tiled ones, and I've been working on the next set down.
I know the rocks don't match up yet, I forgot about that when making them, I will edit them so they fit together nicely in a bit.
[Image: e5myi9.png]
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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It accumulates rocks too fast on the lower layers.
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

Thanked by: Zadaben, Garamonde
So I messed with the rocks a bit and started a tree.
[Image: 28k3vns.png]
I feel like I made the transition even worse, and I don't know what I did differently with the style, as they do not look quite the same as the originals
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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Don't know if this will help you but, have you tryed to make it exponentially accumulat rocks as the layers increase. Not too fast but not too slow that it isn't really noticable.

Right now it reminds me when I hit a layer of bedrock in minecraft.
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

Thanked by: Zadaben
That's kind of what I was going for, so I guess it works then.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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Well, forgot about the tree, it seems a little bland texture-wise. You could try making it a bit livelier.
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

Thanked by: Zadaben, Baegal
how does one explains that a bedrock deep buried underground manages to have a lightsource.

on every small rock.
Thanked by: Kami, Garamonde, Zadaben, Virt
That's actually a really good point, but how would I give it depth without a lightsource?
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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It'd be ok too keep if you have a lighting effect in game, that makes the ground darker the deeper it goes. That's my two cents.
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

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Yes but then it wouldn't be pixel art anymore, it would be special effects.
These will probably never end up in a game anyhow, I had been working on a game project with someone, and then they asked to work alone, and I had already started some tiles, so I figured I should continue them for practice's sake.
Although if I have enough time next summer then maybe.
[Image: Little_lamp_in_dark_room.jpg]

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Well that makes sense, I'm not really sure what to do reguarding the lightsource of the bedrock rocks.
[Image: FK4rxzT.gif][Image: rZSrTAQ.gif][Image: QUmE6.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif][Image: 3CczX.gif][Image: qjGOacY.png][Image: smC8iWb.gif][Image: FK4rxzT.gif]
[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

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