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[INDEV] Pokemon Card GB Expansion | New Sprites 06/22/12 - Reconstructing OP
Houndoom [Image: NeoRevelationExpansionSymbol.png]
[Image: HoundoomTCG.png]

Gors: Ah well, I guess it can't be helped. In any case, thanks for addressing my question and for the advice!

Jetters: I have all of my cards uploaded to my Photobucket, so what I think I'll do is create a joint Photobucket account. I'll give all the major spriters access to it so they can upload their works.

I suppose what I'll end up doing is making a "sheet" for each expansion and putting that in the spoiler tag. I'll figure out how to reference stock images later. But you guys know I'm always open to suggestions, so fire away!

On the subject of non-holo variants: It seems that the spriters for GB1 and GB2 always did the holo version of a card. I, for one, usually do whichever version I first see. However, for cards with really nice backgrounds that would otherwise be blotted out by holography (unlike in the modern expansions, where holography is laid down more lightly so that the background is still visible) I do the non-holo version. For example, Expedition Mew and Feraligatr, Neo Discovery Hitmontop and Wobbuffet, etc. But like I always say, it's up to you!

As for redoing those cards, I would leave that decision up to the original spriters, in this case, Yo-Yo Boy and Kyleglor. For me it's just a matter of courtesy; although these are sprites based off of preexisting art, I still consider them art, and being quite fond of drawing, I have always had this thing about having the utmost respect for other people's works. So, it's really just a matter of courtesy, you know? I will, however, get in touch with the both of them and ask them about redos.

I think that about covers all my thoughts on the subjects presented today. I'm going to get to overhauling the OP's complete structure tomorrow, and might post another sprite before tonight ends. But for now, cheers!
[Image: BannerMain.gif]  [Image: Delibird1TCG.png] [Image: Weedle1TCG.png] [Image: BannerMain.gif]
Thanked by: Yo-Yo Boy, Garamonde, Speed-X

Messages In This Thread
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-02-2011, 07:04 PM
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-03-2011, 04:59 PM
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-04-2011, 04:43 PM
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-04-2011, 09:50 PM
RE: [INDEV] Pokemon Card GB Expansion | New Sprites 06/20/12 - by Plino - 06-23-2012, 12:32 AM

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