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[INDEV] Pokemon Card GB Expansion | New Sprites 06/22/12 - Reconstructing OP

I feel absolutely terrible for leaving this unattended for two months, but I had to get my priorities straight. I had begun to fall behind in school, so I moved this along with other projects off to the side to focus on my studies. However, I'm finally on spring break! A whole week to myself. In the meantime I did some sprites. Hopefully not all interest/hope has been lost in this project.

Azumarill [Image: NeoGenesisExpansionSymbol2.png]
[Image: AzumarillTCG.png]

Bellossom [Image: NeoGenesisExpansionSymbol2.png]
[Image: BellossomTCG.png]

Feraligatr [Image: NeoGenesisExpansionSymbol2.png]
[Image: FeraligatrTCG.png]

Jumpluff [Image: NeoGenesisExpansionSymbol2.png]
[Image: JumpluffTCG.png]

Slowking [Image: NeoGenesisExpansionSymbol2.png]
[Image: SlowkingTCG.png]
I really don't like how the light rays turned out on this one, but I had already reached my palette limit. If anyone wants to take a crack at it be my guest.

Steelix [Image: NeoGenesisExpansionSymbol2.png]
[Image: SteelixTCG.png]

Murkrow [Image: NeoGenesisExpansionSymbol2.png]
[Image: MurkrowTCG.png]
I really like how this one turned out.

And last but not least this guy.

Electrode (Base Set)
[Image: ElectrodeTCG.png]

This fellow was also left out of GB1 and GB2, along with Fossil Ditto. Bulbapedia thinks it was "most likely because of its complicated and potentially difficult to program Pokémon Power." I didn't bother sticking to the palette limit with him because even if this game ever goes through, he probably won't be included... this sprite has about ten colours, ha ha. Though if anyone wants to optimise it, go ahead!

Also, big idea here. I recently read about a guy who proposed to his girlfriend with a hack of the original Metroid game. The interesting part here, though, is that he "re-coded" the game from scratch in C++. Now this is of relevance. I for one don't know any programming languages, but maybe doing what he did and simply recreating the deck building and dueling functions of GB2 with C++ instead of trying to make a romhack would be easier. This is because for one, there are absolutely no utilities out on hacking either GB1 or GB2, two, it could very likely present a fix to the 8x8 tile restriction, and three, it would allow for extension of the main dueling screen to accommodate our oversized shiny sprites, which would be very difficult to do with a Game Boy rom because we would have to stay within the dimensions of the Game Boy's screen. I'm definitely going to start looking into this myself.

X Gamer, I still remember you, what with you being the first one to reply to my thread! Although the Sneasel card that you did was the first one that I sprited way back when, I actually haven't even looked at the Unown, so that's great. If you'd like for me to add your sprites to the OP, just say so.


Welp, that about covers what I wanted to say in this post. Hope people are still interested in this!
[Image: BannerMain.gif]  [Image: Delibird1TCG.png] [Image: Weedle1TCG.png] [Image: BannerMain.gif]

Messages In This Thread
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-02-2011, 07:04 PM
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-03-2011, 04:59 PM
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-04-2011, 04:43 PM
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion - by Plino - 12-04-2011, 09:50 PM
RE: [IDEA] Pokemon Card GB Expansion | New Sprites 12/30/11 - by Plino - 03-14-2012, 12:31 AM

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