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Reviving MantiCORE though I will probably change all the cosmetics of the game, the core concept and gameplay is still in tact. If you have no FUCKING clue what MantiCORE is, here is the shit, that I wont retype:

Why is this in games development? Well, I want this to be the first game Martin and I ACTUALLY pump out. Martin has no idea I'm doing this but I know he will be on board, and I am also recruiting artists, scenario writers, dialogue writers, character designers, ALMOST EVERYTHING.

Also, Grooveybaby, I know you will be on board. :-) It is YOUR game too, I'd say you contributed more than enough to have claim over the MantiCORE concept as well. If anything I would just like to invite you back to the table to help me re-imagine the game.

But yes, this will be MORE than a card game simulation program. I want this to be a full blow game with a deep and imaginative plot. When you are not facing other people in the card game, you are.. well.. living life. It will be much like the Persona games (Persona 3 to be more exact, as it's the only one I've played) as in you will be living your daily life, meeting and interacting with people, raising money to buy more cards, etc etc etc.

As for the plot, what I have in mind, is something VERY Yu-Gi-Oh. The setting resembles modern Earth closely, but is set in an alternate universe, in the near future. Wars are fought with mechs, which are piloted by playing cards on panels inside the mechs. Doesn't sound very smart, or efficient, or... whatever, but that's where the alternate reality comes in. In this world it is perfectly reasonable to battle each other with a game of cards. But, not only are the cards used in warfare, they have been adapted into a wildly popular recreational card game. Something like that, I haven't completely thought it through yet.

ANYWAY, I *AM* recruiting people, hopefully not only form TSR, but other communities as well. The graphical work on this game will be intensive but luckily most of it can be dumbed down to still character portraits and card art, with minimal minimal minimal actual sprite work.

Positions I'm currently looking to be filled:
Almost everything, really.

Story developers
Card artists
Card designers
Character designers
Character artists
Scenario writers
Dialogue writers
Character interaction logic/processing/writers
Card game designers

...Programmers. :-(

Sorry if this seems rushed, I want to get the idea out in the open and then flesh out details with my team. My currently non-existent team. My aspirations for this project are high, I would like to incorporate online play, online trading/auction house, patchable card data so more sets aside from the core set may be released. Of course I hope this game will become retail, as in we will be making a profit, and I will probably charge for expansion sets (like 10 bucks to gain access to the latest cards), so the work quality required must be top notch.

Feel free to post ANYTHING here. Tell me I'm retarded, tell me the idea is dumb, tell me my dick is huge, ask to fill one of my open positions.
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
Thanked by: Chris2Balls [:B]

Messages In This Thread
MantiCORE -REVIVED- [CONCEPT] - by water dog - 12-27-2010, 09:12 PM
RE: MantiCORE -REVIVED- [CONCEPT] - by Maxpphire - 12-27-2010, 10:20 PM
RE: MantiCORE -REVIVED- [CONCEPT] - by water dog - 01-04-2011, 02:48 PM
RE: MantiCORE -REVIVED- [CONCEPT] - by water dog - 01-20-2011, 02:13 PM
RE: MantiCORE -REVIVED- [CONCEPT] - by water dog - 01-20-2011, 11:36 PM

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