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Demenium II!

For those of you who never played the first Dementium, it was a rough-cut survival-horror FPS for the Nintendo DS that managed to squeeze out quite a bit of fun, a solid 60fps framerate, excellent atmosphere, and some decent combat into a DS title.

It had its share of problems, like fairly dumb enemy AI, a finicky save system, severely repetitive nature, and Doom 3's "One Functional Arm" system, allowing you to hold a weapon or a flashlight, but not both.

It's good to see that Renegade Kid (the developer) is trying to fix a lot of the problems and complaints associated with the first Dementium. Just by studying the screenshots, you can figure out quite a bit about the title, such as the ability to use a flashlight and a weapon simultaneously, more intelligent enemies (human enemies should be intelligent, at least), and the possibility of heavier emphasis on improvised weaponry, a la Condemned.

And then, reading the article on the first look at the title, we get more information: more variety, a better save system, an improved map (probably to encourage expoloration), and a longer, better game in general.

You can look forward to it or don't, I could care less. But this is definitely going to be at or near the top of my must-play list before it comes out, so expect me to jizz at the mouth about it.

On another note, Chest Maws make a return fuck yes, let's hope they got rid of those stupid floating heads.
[Image: 332arg3.jpg]
Kilgore Trout Wrote:I let her touch my PSP once, and she was all "where are the a and b buttons" ;3;
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Messages In This Thread
Demenium II! - by Rai - 08-25-2009, 03:10 PM
RE: Demenium II! - by Gold - 08-25-2009, 03:22 PM
RE: Demenium II! - by Rai - 08-25-2009, 05:19 PM
RE: Demenium II! - by Gold - 08-25-2009, 11:13 PM
RE: Demenium II! - by Rai - 08-27-2009, 12:52 AM
RE: Demenium II! - by Gold - 08-27-2009, 04:09 AM

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