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Is there a delay with submissions for Sounds Resource?
I've been patient and checking back from time to time. I have submissions in the queue that were uploaded back in April. Not rejected or even asking for clarification.

I'm just wondering what's going on. Or if the Sounds Staff have taken a long vacation. Any answers would be wonderful. Thanks.

I can't show off the submissions. The game i ripped is still pending.
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We have one person who has to split his time between all four sites. Until we can get more staff that can deal with sounds, wait times are going to continue to be very long.
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I never knew that it was only one person managing all the submissions. Get more staff.
> More time covered throughout the day.
> Less workloads that are down to more manageable levels.
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Why do people constantly say “get more staff” as if it’s some incredible revelation that we just haven’t thought of? Obviously, more staff would be great but finding people who are both qualified and willing to volunteer their time is way more difficult than you’re making it out to be. We’re genuinely lucky to have the small number we do now sticking around for as long as they have given how utterly thankless the job is due to an admittedly small percentage of very vocal users who just can’t be pleased.

Also, just FYI, the one person I mentioned works on all four sites and is currently the only one working on the textures and sounds queues. We have more staff who work on sprites and models - 9 total - but even then, many of them are busy with various things like school or work in real life and simply don’t have the time to devote to the thousands of pending submissions we get on a regular basis.

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