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Ohno, Jonathan died of Typhoid
Hello good sirs of TSR, I would like to submit these sprites from Oregon Trail version 2.0. A few of them were too big to upload so I had to divide them into two sheets.

And sorry about the icon titles, but I couldn't find a font size 7 anywhere. Not on Paint, not on Word Processor, not on Photoshop...

Hunting Animals....(icon)

Main Menu....(icon)

Hunting bgs 1....(icon)

Hunting bgs 2....(icon)

Snow Hunting bgs 1....(icon)

Snow Hunting bgs 2....(icon)

Talking People....(icon)

Locations 1....(icon)

Locations 2....(icon)

Snow locations....(icon)


Snow Events....(icon)

River Raft....(icon)

Please tell me they'll be accepted, I spent a butload of time on them.
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Hi Kyrtuck
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