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Pokemon CNL Tale 1 (fanfic)
Pokemon Cobalt, Nickel, and Lead
The Kanto Tales - Kidnapped
Tale 1
Freedom, Almost
It was the last day of school before Christmas vacation. Five minutes left. No detention. No afterschool activities. I was as free as a bird.
I shifted in my seat. I was ready to get home. There was no way I would let anyone stop me.
Rii-ii-iing! The bell! I ran out faster than lightning. I wasn’t going to let anything mess this up. I had only one destination: home. There were no obstacles, not a teacher in sight. But there was one teacher that was out to get me. And, of course…
Thud! Uh-oh. “Cobalt Mallend, What is the meaning of this?!” yelled my Pre-Algebra teacher, Mr. Corners, whom I noticed was in a puddle of mud from last night’s rain. He was wearing his large, round glasses, a sweater that looks like his mom knitted it when he was ten, khaki jeans, and brown dress shoes. All that splatter-painted with mud. Just my luck, I was the one who knocked him down.
“I-I-I-I … I give up,” I couldn’t think of anything. There was a feeling in the pit of my gut that my Charmander, Blaze, wasn’t going to see me as soon as he thought.
“Don’t stutter, Mister Mallend. You know I hate stuttering. And you just ‘give up?’”
Okay, not the best thing to say. He was the kind of teacher that pushed his students, the kind that doesn’t let his students have a break, and he definitely doesn’t let his students give up. I had to come up with something. He would expect me to. So I said, “Well, I know that I’m just going to get detention anyway, so why not just suck it up and go?”
“You’re just going to go, without even a fight? You are different, Cobalt, you’re older. More mature. So, because of your cooperation, I won’t keep you that long.” He seemed mildly impressed with me.
“Really? Than—”
“Under one condition: there is a Rattata in the heating ducts. I need you to go get it.”
“Just tell me where to go through, and I’ll have you a Rattata in no time, Mr. Corners.” I had to get home. I just had to. A Rattata isn’t that big a deal, anyway.
“Follow me.”

He led me through a corridor, his classroom, another corridor, and finally to the teacher’s lounge. He opened a small gate at the base of the wall, just my size. “I’ll be back soon,” I said as I bent down into the heating duct.
“You’ll get too hot in that jacket. Take it off,” said Mr. Corners. I nodded my head, handed him my “Johto Beat” jacket, and took my first step in the long adventure that would await me in the Pokemon world.
The Duct was hot and humid, so after the first few steps I was drenched in sweat. I took a hard right about twelve feet in. After a few more minutes, I heard scampering to the right. As I headed that way, there was a small hill in the heating duct. I scrambled up, and kept on crawling.
I saw the Rattata. It wasn’t the kind you’d expect, though. It was green. At first I thought it was the lighting in there, but then I realized it was shiny. I crept up behind it, opened my arms, and then closed them as fast as any twelve-year-old could, but the shiny Rattata had ran away. I chased after it.
Ding! Just as I was about to bag it, I bumped my head. For a scary second, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to go home, but I shook it off and started crawling again. “Are you alright, Mister Mallend?” asked Mr. Corners. His voice echoed through the duct, so even from that far away, I could still hear him.
“Yeah, I mean yes sir. I’m fine,” I answered.
I went faster. And faster. And faster. I needed to get home fast. I wanted to get home fast. My mom was probably worried sick.
The duct seemed to get hotter and hotter as I went farther in. I was just getting tired. I almost fell asleep once. But I knew the Rattata was close. I could hear it again. This time I wouldn’t fail. I would catch it and go home. I could hear both of our heartbeats echoing through the heating duct, a tinny, fast-paced tip-tip, and a strong, booming thump-thump. They were racing, trying to keep up with one another, although they were even in different ways. They couldn’t go faster if they tried, but they wanted to. There was one flaw: they were too tired. They were beating faster that they should have, though they kept a constant speed.
The heating duct got taller and wider, so if I crouched I could stand. I started running. After a while, I got a stitch in one side. Then the other. I was in pain and I could barely breathe. Luckily, the shiny Rattata slowed down and I could see its tail. I ran faster. I got behind it. I reached out and grabbed it. I couldn’t believe it! I actually caught it! But I couldn’t run anymore, so I walked. It took me a while to realize how long it took me to get there. To walk back would take me longer that I would have to stay in detention.
Then, as I was thinking that, I passed out. Mr. Corners heard me fall. He sent a detention student’s Trapinch in to drag me out. When I made it to the teacher’s lounge I woke up. I handed the Rattata to Mr. Corners, he let it out the window, and thanked me. I said, “See you in January!” and ran out the door.
As I walked home I relayed what just happened in my mind. Did I really do all that just to go home? Maybe, but maybe it was because I just wanted to free that Pokemon. More likely, something I never thought I would do, it was to help Mr. Corners.
When I got home, my mom and sister both hugged me and asked why I was late. I said, “I … I was helping out a friend.”
hope u lik it |D this isnt a gym story, so, not illegal ha-ha XD
Thanked by: froggerfun265
Pretty solid, except the protagonist's name.
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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would read again


please sign my copy
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I guess that means no part two Sad
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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Maybe in a week.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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Unless he makes an alt.

Lunkya you cold hearted bastard


What did he do to you
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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nazi mods

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He had an alt. I perma banned his alt and he comes back in a week.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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I was banned because i was mistaken for an alt once.

Are you sure you aren't "mistaken" Lunyka?
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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