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Elvira Mistress of the Dark Nes / Nintendo sprites
Just came up with this. Got the dialogue from an Elvira Video, just added the last line. This is for the text in the pic on the bottom left:

Original Intro:

Mark was walking home from a ball game. He looked up and saw a bright star. While he stared at it, the star got bigger and bigger.
The beauty of the star made his eyes moist, so he didnt notice that the star landed right infront of him. It wasn't a star but a
moster. Mark quickly asked. "Who are you?" "I'm Bert." "What's up?" "I'm looking for help. Evil monsters are out of control in my world."
"Come and help me." "I'm afraid to fight the evil monsters." "Don't worry!" "With your weapon, you'll be able to destroy them easily."
"This isn't a weapon, it's a bat." "Bat! Batter!" "Anything is ok!" "Anyhow, let's go!" Bert grabbed Mark's hand and flew away. "What's
your name?" "Mark." "Mark, my planet is dangerous. So, we must act together." "How?" "Like this!" Then they fused together. This is how
Mark's adventure began.

Change to:

Yes it's me again, that cute high school drop out who looks like she'll pop out, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.
It's really me in the flesh and it's not much else. You know, before the show, the censors came up to me and said,
"Elvira, you can't go on T.V. in that dress, it's next to nothin'." So I said, "What do you mean? It's next to plenty."
Anyway, let me see...what have we got tonight.... Monster Party? Oy vey have I got a deal for you darlin', such a deal you won't believe.
Because tonight, you don't get just one great story, nooooo.... you get an added bonus of this incredible game. Just imagine the
look on your friends faces when you tell them the incredible offer you took part in. Be careful where you put your fingers!
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Elvira Mistress of the Dark Nes / Nintendo sprites - by sil3nt j - 03-31-2020, 01:52 PM

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