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[TUTORIAL] Disney Infinity Model Ripping
This should help with step 11. Create a PS1 file containing the following script. This searches the MTB file for references to textures files, then copies those files into a folder for you. In my test I did Bob from the Incredibles. It found 6 textures in less than a second. Should remove any annoyance in finding your textures. When you run that script from a PowerShell window you will be asked for 3 paths.
  1. The path of the MTB file extracted back in step 4.
    example: C:\temp\characters\spd_spiderman\spd_spiderman.mtb
  2. The extracted and renamed texture archive root directory created in Step 8-10 (I recommend using the method patrickmollohan suggested for renaming the files to DDS.) 
    example: C:\temp\textures
  3. The path of you are saving extracted files for this character, or where you want to put copies of the texture files used by this character. 
    example: C:\temp\characters\spd_spiderman\extracted

This is a quick and dirty brute force script, it could be cleaned up/made more efficient but the MTB files are so small its not really worth the time to do that. 

$MTB = read-host "MTB File Path"
$TArchive = read-host "Texture Archive Root Directory Path"
$SavePath = read-host "Location To Save Texture Files"

$filename = ""
$CYCLE = 1
$GTZ = 0
$DDS = @()

If (!$MTB) {
    Write-Host "ERROR - MTB FILE NOT FOUND!"
    $spd = get-content $MTB -encoding byte
    while ($CYCLE -lt 9) {
        foreach ($byte in $spd) {
            if ($OFFSET -lt 7) {
                $Hex = ‘{0:x}‘ -f $byte
                if ($HEX.length -lt 2) {$HEX = "0"+$HEX}
                $filename = $filename + $Hex
                if ($GTZ -ge 8) {
                    $filename = $filename + ".dds"
                    $SPC = $filename.Substring(0,2)
                    $Tpath = $TArchive+"\"+$SPC+"\textures\"+$filename
                    if (Test-Path -path $Tpath) {
                        $DDS += $Tpath
                    $GTZ = 0
                    $filename = ""

        $OFFSET = $CYCLE
    $OUTPUT = $DDS | select -Unique
    Foreach ($File in $OUTPUT) {Copy-Item $File -Destination $SavePath -Force}
Thanked by: Nomad_Ocean12

Messages In This Thread
RE: [TUTORIAL] Disney Infinity Model Ripping - by WeaponizedKodai - 08-01-2022, 11:14 PM

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